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    Do you work continuously or take breaks in between?

    Some people work continuously for long hours and then only take rest while there are many who take break or rest after every one or two hours. Experts suggest that long hours of working are not good for our health and it is better to take a break after at least 2-3 hours. A break freshens up us and prepares us for the next sitting.
    Every individual is having different approach in this matter and depending upon one's health and habits one takes breaks in between the work.
    What is your take on that? Do you prefer to work long and take a long break or you would like to take a break many times in between?
  • #777665
    My approach is somewhat different. Honestly speaking, my approach is completely the opposite of what has been mentioned in this post. Generally, I take long breaks. In between, I am forced to do essential tasks, which are official in nature.
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #777667
    I agree with the author that there should be a considerable break in between the work. This will freshen up the entire body with the strengthening of the body nerve cells. If such a system is followed by the IT professionals working at stretch for long hours will feel nerve relaxation if a break of 30 minutes is maintained every three hours.
    However, taking a break casually to strengthen the body - cells for the revival of energy is not achievable always.
    As far as my experience goes while working in a steel - industry, the process was continuous for working long hours. It depends upon the boss and his mood. An executive entering the plant in A Shift ( Starting - time 6 am) has to remain most of the times in the site up to 6 pm. This amounted to a total involvement for 12 hours. Though the timing could have been curtailed with the review of the work - culture of many industries.

  • #777668
    The break at certain intervals is generally required especially at the present scenario. The eminent author and inventor of Scientific Management, 'F W Tailor' introduced the fatigue study even before many decades. Nowadays the fatigue is almost common in many of us. So the need of break is emphasized. A well noted spiritual leader was started to offer his spiritual lectures for 45 minutes from usual long hours. He used to say that similar to break between two periods of classes in colleges and schools the gap (break) is necessary to the listeners.
    Nowadays the health condition is not as of before 20 years so the break is essential from working continuously in order to give relaxation for the mind and body.

  • #777723
    This question is more related to the people who are in studies or service. Retired people may not have such difficult work which can't be completed in one go.
    My wife starts her day at 5 AM and will not take any rest till she completes her morning work. She completes her work at 11 AM. Then she will sit for 2 hours. Then she will be working for another hour and then go for afternoon sleep for any hour. Again she starts working at 4 PM and completes her work by 9 PM. That is how she plans her day.
    Students should follow this small breaks system when they sit for long session reading. That is very important for them to get the best possible output. I have seen some students spend more time on breaks than the duration of the reading. That is not a good practice as far as I am concerned. That will come under wasting of time.
    Effective utilisation is the key to success. Taking small breaks in between will also come under effective utilisation of time only.

    always confident

  • #777726
    True. Some people just keep working without stopping, but others, like me, prefer to take breaks more often. I've heard experts say that working too much without breaks isn't good for our health. They recommend taking a break every 2-3 hours to stay fresh and focused. Personally, I find it better to take short breaks more frequently. It helps me stay energized and keeps me from getting too tired. Plus, it gives me a chance to stretch and move around a bit, which is important for staying healthy
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