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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Observing safety is of prime importance

    The scientific and technological development has brought a big increase in the number of industrial units which are engaged in manufacturing, fabrication, and processing work using machines and input materials. As we have to work with machines and hazardous materials of all kinds, it is imperative that safety measures are to be followed in these industrial workplaces.
    Safety is the most important thing in the workplace and any lapse in it can lead to loss of men and material. A small mistake can lead to big harm to the company.
    Nowadays a lot of importance is given to safety but even after that due to failure of machines or human errors accidents happen and significant loss is experienced by the industrial houses.
    There should be no compromise with safety whether it is in our house or a workplace. One hundred percent adherence to safety rules is required if we want to bring down the accidents and other mishaps to bare minimum.
    What are your thoughts on it?
  • #777798
    That is true. Safety first should be the concept and it should be the policy of each person. A person who drives a motor cycle should think of reaching the destination safely and follow all the safety protocols that are required to be followed. Safety should be the way of life. To save 5 or 10 minutes one should keep their lives at risk.
    A woman working in the kitchen is in the midst of fire and other dangerous equipment like scissors, swords etc. So she should be very careful while handling such appliances and see that she will be safe. The Gas cylinder we are using in the house should also be an item that may create havoc. So we should follow all the precautions while handling such items.
    As mentioned by the author, safety in the workplace is very important. The members of the house will be waiting for your safe arrival after completing your day's work. So we should be aware of the risks involved in our work and all required safety appliances should be used so that we will be safe and our family will also be safe.
    Production or service with safety and quality should be the motto of all companies, I feel.

    always confident

  • #777799
    Yes, safety is the utmost parameter to be followed in any type of job - be it a house or an industrial unit. We witness many accidents due to minor lapses and with a little bit of alertness, the same can be averted. Sometimes it is the result of over- confidence of a man. Suppose the man is operating a lathe machine and is engaged with talking with another employee. As a result, his fingers are entrapped in the lathe machine causing his fingers to be crossed badly in the operation.
    This is one of the examples how an accident takes place due to negligence. Moreover, there could be a man - loss as a result of the accident which no industrial unit would like to tolerate. Hence safety parameters are to be followed always - be it a house or an industrial unit.

  • #777801
    Safety is a matter that has to be followed with utmost care and priority. Whether it is our house or workplace safety is a must.
    Many organisations conduct trainings in safety to educate the employees to understand its importance.
    I also agree that safety should be our way of life. My observation in this regard is most of the accidents happen when we are in a hurry and to save a few minutes we simply lose life. A small lapse in the workplace can turn into a disaster.
    Working safely might take more time but that is to be accepted by everyone as the cost of safety and not like a delay.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

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