I feel contented in my life. I honestly trust and thank God for all the kindness he has bestowed on me. For outsiders these may not be of any significance. But I know, I experienced it, experiencing it.
I am blessed with a kind spouse, blessed with a son, now blessed with a daughter in law.
To list about my material assets, I have a very small dwelling place, which is smaller than the free dwelling units Govt gives freely to homeless people. But for me it is akin to a Palace. That is, because, for building it myself and wife saved coin by coin for many years and then took a loan of an amount which we felt could repay in due course by controlling our expenses. I do not own any vehicle.
I could see that all my siblings are married, settled and ensured they also have their own homes. I did (with the strong support of my wife) whatever maximum I could do in all these, as head of the family in the absence of parents.
God is very kind in giving me a very supportive life partner.
Even now I do not splash my savings or pension income. But I am not a stingy miser also. Once in a while indulge in some small luxuries, go on tours and pilgrimages, socialize, spend time with some of old classmates from primary class, High School and college.
My wants are less, no greed, now only prayer is to have a normal health for my age for residual years.
I am happy because I am always aware how much better.., better.. I am now than the day when I badly needed a job due to difficult situation of the family. I also thank God that He gave me a normal body and mind whenever I go to a hospital and see people suffering various issues, or read reports about people suffering many ways and even taking their life in desperation and helplessness. I also do my mite in helping others even unknown to me,
All these make me humble, content, happy and blessed. It is in mind: not easy to come , but needs constant practice and self- teaching. God bless all.