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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Does modernisation make people cosmopolitan?

    With rapid scientific and technological advancements, modernisation entered in our lives and many people adopted to modern ways of living. Some even became cosmopolitan in their nature leaving their cultural ties behind. It seemed that the whole world was going to become cosmopolitan sooner or later but nothing of that sort happened.
    Still, most of the people are attached to their cultural roots and clung to their traditions and religion. Modern as well as westernised ways of living are common now but the apprehension that gradually people might become cosmopolitan did not happen.
    What are your thoughts on this?
  • #777957
    During our student lives some of us thought that we would adopt to the modern ways of lives and stop all the traditional activities or cultural things when we grow up. But nothing of that sort happened because we found that if we did so our identities were lost. If there is a cultural or religious function and we do not join it then we feel ousted from the group in which we were brought up and grew. At the same time if we join another group for getting an identity then we find that we are treated as an outsider.
    I think that is the reason and I would say a type of fear that do not allow us to become cosmopolitan and disconnect from our roots.
    Another interesting point that comes to my mind is that nowhere on Earth people are leaving their culture and religions so why we would do that?

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #777968
    I think getting modernised is something different from becoming cosmopolitan.
    Cosmopolitanism people consider the world as a whole and adopt universal ethics. They exhibit openness towards people from other places and cultures. Some cosmopolitan people never deviate from their beliefs but also respect the beliefs of other people.
    We can become modern but need not become cosmopolitan. We are seeing many changes in our daily lives but we are not deviating from our roots. At the same time, we need not force others also to follow our roots. It is the choice of the individual.

    always confident

  • #778024
    Thank you for bringing up this thought-provoking topic. It's intriguing to consider the impact of modernization on cultural identities and the concept of cosmopolitanism. While technological progress has certainly transformed many aspects of our lives, it's evident that cultural ties and traditions remain deeply ingrained in people's lives. Despite the prevalence of modern lifestyles, the widespread adoption of cosmopolitan values seems to be more nuanced than initially anticipated. This raises important questions about the balance between embracing global influences and maintaining cultural authenticity.


  • #778067
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