How to get the new 10 Digit Voter ID Card, whether online or offline?
Only recently I came to know about the new 10-digit EPIC (Voter photo ID card).I tried to get the new Card, and here's the gist of it-
First, I followed the instructions required to get it (, went to the National Voter's Service Portal (NVSP) and clicked on the E-EPIC download link. However, to my shock, when I entered my Voter ID number, it showed "No Result". Does this mean that I am not on the electoral roll at all?
Second, I went to a local election centre and was informed to fill in Form 8. This form is common for shifting of residence, correction of entries in the existing Electoral roll, replacement of EPIC, and marking of PwD. Now the section which is for 'Application for Issue of Replacement EPIC without correction' states-
"I request that a replacement EPIC may be issued to me as my original EPIC is..." and the options are- (a) Lost, (b) Destroyed due to reason beyond control like floods, fire, other natural disaster etc., and (c) Mutilated.
Below that is written-
"I hereby return my mutilated/old EPIC (OR) I have attached copy of FIR/Police report for lost EPIC & I undertake to return the earlier EPIC issued to me if the same is recovered at a later stage".
None of the a,b, or c options given in the form apply to me, since I have my old card and only want a new one.
I want to know-
1. Since none of the options apply in my case, what is to be done?
2. Isn't the old Voter ID valid to cast my vote in the coming elections?
3. Is it mandatory to get a new Voter ID?