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  • Category: Elections

    How to get the new 10 Digit Voter ID Card, whether online or offline?

    Only recently I came to know about the new 10-digit EPIC (Voter photo ID card).

    I tried to get the new Card, and here's the gist of it-
    First, I followed the instructions required to get it (, went to the National Voter's Service Portal (NVSP) and clicked on the E-EPIC download link. However, to my shock, when I entered my Voter ID number, it showed "No Result". Does this mean that I am not on the electoral roll at all?

    Second, I went to a local election centre and was informed to fill in Form 8. This form is common for shifting of residence, correction of entries in the existing Electoral roll, replacement of EPIC, and marking of PwD. Now the section which is for 'Application for Issue of Replacement EPIC without correction' states-
    "I request that a replacement EPIC may be issued to me as my original EPIC is..." and the options are- (a) Lost, (b) Destroyed due to reason beyond control like floods, fire, other natural disaster etc., and (c) Mutilated.

    Below that is written-
    "I hereby return my mutilated/old EPIC (OR) I have attached copy of FIR/Police report for lost EPIC & I undertake to return the earlier EPIC issued to me if the same is recovered at a later stage".

    None of the a,b, or c options given in the form apply to me, since I have my old card and only want a new one.

    I want to know-
    1. Since none of the options apply in my case, what is to be done?
    2. Isn't the old Voter ID valid to cast my vote in the coming elections?
    3. Is it mandatory to get a new Voter ID?
  • #777980
    I understand Voter ID cards are not mandatory. You can vote using your Aadhaar card. Last time during the Telangana Assembly elections I went to the polling station and voted to show my Aadhar Card as my identity card. The same thing applies to Parliament elections also. As per a news item in before the Assembly elections, any one of the following will serve as an identity to use your Voting power.
    Passport, Driving Licence, Service identity card for state government or central government employees, PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, Passbook with a photo identity issued by a bank or Post office, etc. If you have any one of the above you can vote. At the same time, you can use your old Voter card also. But I prefer carrying an Aadhaar card with us.
    Generally outside the polling station, we will get our number in the voter's list and we will get in which station we have to vote. We can go there and show our Aadhaar card and complete the process of voting.

    always confident

  • #777987
    I do not have a voter card but my name is there in the voting list. Volunteers belonging to different parties get this information and provide us the serial number and some ID number and only thing then required is an Aadhar card for confirmation of our residence and address.
    Last time I went with my Aadhar card and the serial number given to me by the volunteers and immediately the officials on duty in the poll centre confirmed my name and asked me to vote.
    So I do not see any need to download EPIC.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778007
    I am aware of the alternate accepted ID cards to vote, and that there are people near the polling booth who can check whether or not my name is on the electoral roll. After all, I have cast my vote at every election for decades!!

    I figured things out myself last night. I went to the site again and this time, selected 'Search by Details' and, instead of selecting the date of birth, selected the age option under 'Select birth details'. Voila! My name, new Voter ID number with 10 digits, and the place where I have to cast my vote came on the screen. I could then download and take a printout. However, I could not download the EPIC Card itself because the message then came that my mobile number was not associated with the Voter ID card, and I needed to fill in form 8 to update it.

    So it seems there is some software glitch that does not show our name on the electoral roll if the date of birth is selected.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #778065
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