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    Let us follow ethics in public life and demand that as well

    A very famous party that calls itself a big "national" party, with a very poor record in the South ( it lost power in one major South Indian State due to massive corruption), has a leader in Tamil Nadu. This gentleman showed great promise to start with.

    However, as time went by, there were too many skeletons in his cupboard. He was found guilty of framing his own party colleagues and has a horrible record here. He has been caught on video or audio in very compromising lies and does not even care to answer any question regarding any of his lies.

    Now comes the last straw. He has quoted a RTI document. A news item had appeared in a National English newspaper on the 31st of March 2024. He had even quoted this talks about his RTI.

    It now turns out that the RTI had no name of the person who initiated it. It has the name of one undersecretary called Ajay Jain in the Ministry of External Affairs. The matter regarding the Katchitheevu, a small inhabitable island, now in Srl lanka, is pending in the Supreme Court and it is unethical to get any RTI whatsoever. Now, the investigative guys have found out that there is no one by the name of Mr. Ajay Jain at all.

    Leaders should set examples. They should not give false information and everything should be on record. Well, this is not politics. It is public life and our present and future younger generations need to guided properly.

    Let us hope someone will come into the picture and advise this gentleman, who now stands discredited for all his false information in the highly politically well informed State of Tamil Nadu.
  • #778009
    One should follow ethics in their life and expecting the same from others is not wrong.
    In today's politics, there are no ethics. As long as a common man expects money and gifts from politicians to cast their vote, politics will be like that only. Why should we expect favour from them? Why can't we follow the protocols correctly? Personally if I don't like a politician, I will try to single him out. We forget about the other corrupt leaders. As far as I know, in Tamilnadu, there are many corrupt leaders from almost all parties.
    Leaders should set examples. That is correct. But how many such leaders on seen today in our country? Every politician has his/ her agenda and they never bother about the common man as they know that buying a vote from a common man is easy. A few thousand will get them as many votes as they want. When I hear some politicians talking about ethics I feel as if I am hearing Vedas from demons.

    always confident

  • #778012
    There are many leaders who talk something but practice something else. It is an unfortunate thing but is true. Some of these leaders are corrupt but show complete innocence when caught by the enforcing and law authorities. Politics is a playground where different politicians play differently and some even play foul.
    If the politicians follow ethics then a country can prosper and progress. Some politicians simply preach other to follow ethics but never follow that themselves. This is creating a bad precedence for our young generation.
    There are many deficiencies in our political system and until good leaders are there we can not expect ethical behaviour in public life.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778063
    [Response removed by Admin. Read forum policies.]

  • #778129
    A good conduct by leaders and politicians can create a great motivation in the people and that is required for the progress of that society or the country. When the common people find that some leaders are not following the ethics but asking others to adhere to it then it brings discouraging feelings in their minds. Before asking others to follow a good path one must give an example of walking on it.
    The author of the post has highlighted the unethical behaviour of the particular leader who is asking others to follow ethics but himself not following. I am afraid that that particular leader is not the only one doing like that, there are many like him and misleading and fooling the gullible people of our country. Until these leaders change their ways how can we expect the progress and prosperity often quoted by them in their speeches?

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778137

    I do not know whether you found a corrupt leader from only the party that you hate most. Your hatred towards one specific political outfit is well-known and many times you try to drag in that political party to prove how good others are. Is it really so? This thread is just a report of a specific person and his malpractices and many leaders in the South are corrupt irrespective of their political affiliation. You could have easily provided some good examples of politicians who behaved ethically to create impact, which could have enhanced the quality of this post. Rather than that, you have just described the malpractices to describe ethics. Is there any example of ethics here?


    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #778141
    In the great South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, a third-generation leader of a great political party openly insulted Hinduism only a few mmonths before. This abominable young leader talked about the eradication of Hinduism. And a so-called intellectual member of ISC, instead of criticizing that Yuvraj (prince), tries to find corruption of another leader of another party (read Annamalai of BJP) with a microscope.

    Needless to say, the so-called intellectual member does not even dare to name the leader or party. And the ISC management is tolerating this nonsense while promptly silencing others who try to raise political posts,

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

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