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    How do you contribute for the growth of our website i.e ISC?

    The growth of any website not only depends on the Management team, particularly the WM and ME but also the contribution of the members who are the main stake holders. As a member I am raising this thread and request you all your suggestions for the growth of our website.

    We can suggest many things to the WM for improvement but we have to re-look into our role we are playing as members. Just few questions should be asked to ourselves -

    1. How many of your friends and relative know about your contribution in Forum or Artcles or anything in ISC?
    2. Have you ever shared your Forum post/ Article to your friends in FB or WhatsApp group?
    3. Any student or teacher known to you, knows about India Study Channel?
    4. We are uploading the details of many Courses offered by Universities, Colleges and Schools with their updates but how many of these Institutes have asked their students to browse ISC?
    5. Some of us are Teachers and Lecturers, why can't they upload useful notes for the students in their area of specialization?

    And many more questions, if we ask for ourselves, they would surely contribute for the betterment our site. After all, ours is 17 year old website and it's our turn to mould it into a perfect Educational portal and WM will definitely look into the changes that need to be incorporated. It can't be always a one side effort but should amount to a collective responsibility.

    Firstly, as a step forward I suggest everyone just to share your contribution link whether a Forum post or else in your WA groups so that it would reach many and yield positive results not immediately , may be in the long run. What's your take on this?
  • #778103
    The author has raised a very important issue - role of members in the progress of ISC. I strongly believe that members also have a strong role and there are many ways they can do it some of which are already suggested in the above post by the author.
    Sharing of our work in WhatsApp groups or social media is one way to popularise the site. Another is that members should try to contribute a variety of quality material which could bring more traffic.
    Members who have an active Google AdSense account can see this by variation of views to their pages and associated earnings.
    One more thing that I feel is required is to update our content from time to time and wherever possible remove the old things and put new data.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778106
    The author showed many ways to see that ISC will become more popular. Each member and Editor should consider how much time they spend on this site. How many are spending at least one or two hours daily on this site? On average how many you are contributing every day? If we spend time then only we can refer the same to our friends or relatives. Without spending time here how can we recommend to others? When I talk about this site to any person, he will ask me about my last week's contributions. So in the first place, I will say that any member or Editor should make good contributions. Then they can recommend the site to their friends and relatives.
    I have introduced this site to some of my relatives and friends. But they have not shown much interest. All my article links are given on my LinkedIn profile. I have given these links on my facebook page also. I am spending daily some time on this site.

    always confident

  • #778109
    Members can definitely help a site to progress. It only requires some serious concern and feeling oneself as a part of the site.
    Today there is much competition between the similar sites in the webspace and only the smart and dynamic ones would survive in a long run.
    ISC is a professionally managed site and due to its strict moderation levels unwanted and below quality material is filtered out. That is one strength it possesses on the content side.
    Members have to share their work in the social media but apart from that members should also continuously improve their content and in the long run that is only going to count.
    My advice in this regard especially to the new members is that whenever editors assess their content and advise for improvement and modifications then take it like a challenge and do it rather becoming discouraged and demotivated. The editors are doing it only for the betterment and site prosperity and as members if we are not able to support and co-operate in that process then who else would do that?
    Only the collective and group dynamism can help a site to progress.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778115
    Of late, we have seen some improvement in the Forum section. Some new threads are daily coming out. If all the members go through those threads and respond with their views, the activity will increase and that may attract better traffic.
    always confident

  • #778116
    Yes, it is our duty to ensure that each member contributes significantly in the different forums in such a way that there is a surge of traffic in the column where we post regularly. This can happen only if we can estimate the curiosity of the regular visitors and accordingly, we are making responses.
    We need to examine the mood of the readers and the contents must follow accordingly. As for instance, health - issues of the members, admission - processes of the different colleges/ institutions irrespective of the streams, conducting quizzes time to time would go towards the popularity of this platform.
    A regularity in response is also an important factor in enhancing the popularity of the site.

  • #778119
    At the outset, I sincerely thank Jagdish Patro Sir for providing me various ideas to become more familiar in social media circle by sharing my contributions in one platform to another. Definitely I will start trying this.

    Yes, I think if we share our creations in ISC on other platforms, ISC will also become popular.

    Generally, if I think I have written something good in ISC or in Quora (English and Bengali), I request my wife, my daughter and a few friends, but unfortunately, most of them don't give any importance to my creations. Sigh!!!

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #778127
    @Partha, You are one of my good friends in ISC and there should not be any barrier between two friends. So, I request you address me as Jagdish only and remove the title 'sir'.

    Coming to the point about promoting ISC through friends and relatives, my suggestion to post the link of our contribution in Social media, WhatsApp group in particular as we receive so many forwarded messages. Not all the members of the group may follow it, but it will have an impact . Retired or serving members as I find are very active here and it would contribute to gain experience from them. But an Educational portal needs the attention of the young mind and we should work together by contributing articles to galvanize the focus of the young generation.

    It's not the point how much time we devote here, it's the matter how to bring it to the doorsteps of every student by adding worthy contributions and additional features to convert into an academic portal. As members, we can always suggest improvement. Forum is always there for deliberating our views and to carry out Group discussions but it can't generate good traffic to the site.


  • #778138
    I wholeheartedly agree that our collective efforts are vital for the growth and enrichment of the India Study Channel (ISC) platform. The points raised regarding our individual contributions and responsibilities resonate deeply with me, and I believe it's time for us to step up and play a more active role in shaping ISC into an exemplary educational portal.

    Reflecting on the questions posed, I realize there is indeed more I can do to promote ISC within my circle of influence. While I've been engaged in contributing forum posts and articles, I acknowledge that I haven't always shared these contributions with friends, family, or on social media platforms. Moving forward, I commit to sharing my ISC contributions widely, leveraging platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp to reach a broader audience.

    Additionally, the suggestion to encourage students, teachers, and educational institutions to utilize ISC is an excellent idea. As an educator myself, I understand the value of providing students with supplementary resources, and I am keen to explore how ISC can complement their learning journey. I will actively encourage my colleagues to contribute their expertise by uploading useful notes and educational materials to the platform.

    I appreciate the reminder that the growth of ISC is a shared responsibility. By working together and harnessing the collective power of our contributions, we can propel ISC to new heights as a premier educational portal. I fully support the initiative to share our contributions within our networks and believe that this small step can yield significant long-term benefits for the ISC community.



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