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    It's a choice but does it lead to success?

    All of us have experienced encountering a series of choices in our lives and these are the choices which define and corroborate with our achievements from time to time. The choice is a selection from the available options at the different stages of a work but at any stage, it would be called a good choice only when it leads to success. People who make choices just like that, without considering the pros and cons of the execution part and envisaged objectives, will not be able to achieve the goals and the very purpose of making choices would be lost. People making choices in business or project work must understand this crucial link between a good choice and success.

    Making a choice in our lives in any sphere is a necessary step at various junctures and making the right choice is something that could be said as a good starting point for any endeavour or effort for achieving goals. While making a choice we have a good number of options available and if the right choice is made then chances of having a smooth journey ahead increase.

    Choices cannot be made randomly or hurriedly. A lot of pondering and thinking is required for the action path ahead and ascertaining the achievability of goals associated with that particular option. The purpose of making a choice does not end there. The implementation and execution of plans for achieving the objectives is what makes the success of that choice.

    Making the choice is the first step but there are situations when the follow-up methodologies and project conceptualization do not go hand in hand and a conflict arises between the choice made and the direction in which the final achievements are moving. In such cases choices can be reviewed and modified accordingly during mid-term corrections and the same success can be achieved as envisaged with the original thinking. Today we are living in a dynamic world and there could be situations where crucial corrections are required during the execution of a project.

    Another important thing about making a choice is that it has to be made in consideration of all other information and details about the project and workflow path that is going to be used to achieve the objectives of the conceived project in line with that choice.

    A choice would be considered good only if it leads to success. The purpose of making good decisions in any endeavor is to achieve objectives and reaching the goals. A good choice and a good decision go hand in hand. Nothing succeeds like success and while making choices one has to keep that basic philosophy in one's mind.

    This is my entry for essay writing contest - It's a choice.
  • #778368
    The purpose of making a choice is in the nature of making a decision and helps us to start working in that particular direction for attaining goals and objectives and if it is done then it is the success of the choice.
    It means that while choosing an option we have to analyse and find out the various workflows and paths that would be required to go ahead in the matter. If that analysis is correctly made and choice is also reconfirmed then generally attaining success would not be a difficult proposition.
    In today's world one does not make a choice just like that. A lot of home work goes in finalising the option for going ahead with the project or task or scheme whatever it is and then only it would lead to a fruitful end getting the envisaged benefits.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778377
    Where is the guarantee?
    When there is a task before us, we will think about it and decide the way we have to follow to complete the task successfully. But nobody can assure you the success. During execution, we may have to review the progress and we may have to amend our action plan so that we will be sure of success. At every stage, we may have to do this so that we will have the maximum scope of winning the race.
    One should think well, study various available choices and try to make the best possible choice. But some of the points may not come to our attention and those may cause some deviation in the expected result. So thoroughly thinking and making a route plan is a must.
    Nothing is sure and one may have to make a choice for which probability is high for success. So we have to do what we can do and then leave the outcome without any expectation.

    always confident

  • #778384
    Life is all of choices-mostly.

    The issue with us is how to make the right choice. Age, knowledge, Exposure, experience, expertise , obsevation and evaluation can help us to make proper choice. Sometimes sheer luck would help us to choose the right and best alternative.

    Right choices lead us to happiness and excitement , while wrong choices lead us to regret and remorse and feel bad. It needs some philosophical bent of mind(which can be cultivated by constant practice) to tell ourselves that there are still opportunities and this particular wrong choice has made us learn something and get experience.

    But as they say "Prevention s better than cure.". There is no use in crying over split milk, rather add some sugar to it, cook it, and make it a sweet dish. out of it.

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