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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Human compassion has no limits

    From time to time, we do hear and watch on television, solid social work done in isolated pockets by Government teachers, officials, by some company or the other, or some NGO and so on. These are typical examples of human compassion. We need to multiply these efforts to a much larger degree.

    The rich need to divert at least a part of what is going into a feast at a KFC outlet, or some costly vacation abroad. The rich people do have the resources to travel to any corner of the country by the costly Vande Bharat trains. While this is fine, it is also imperative that such people care for the poor and contribute in one way or the other.

    For example, it is fine if there is a big donation box in each of the big bus-stations. If each passenger donates just one rupee, or whatever he or she can, this amount can go a long way to help the caretakers employed through the contractor to get some additional wages.

    We need such ideas to multiply the avenues for more equitable distribution of resources. For, it is still true that human compassion has no limits and every reasonable and rational human being has it in him or her to do something for those who do not have the resources.
  • #778372
    A good thought by the author. I fully agree that human compassion has no limit. If rich help the poor by donating a small part of their earnings then what can be better than that.

    Many rich people are doing it but whether the help is reaching the poor and needy is not known. There are many agencies, social groups, NGOs etc who are getting good amount as donation from the rich and affluent but how much of that is really going to the deserving poor people is also not known. So problem is not exactly the issue of getting donations, the challenge is to see that it reaches in the proper hands.
    In my village, a rich man gave scholarships to all those poor students who got good marks in the exam. He himself confirmed about the earnings of poor families before giving such a help.
    So, the point is that this help should reach the deserving otherwise if it is lost somewhere in between and eaten away by middlemen then the whole purpose is lost. This is also true of all the help that Govt is providing to the poor.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778373
    Sivakumar, with due respect to your idea, can you please say how much you are contributing? I can have just two idlis while paying for a morning plate and share the rest with someone else. Do we do that?

    How many of us understand the meaning of passion and compassion?

    Having raised this thread and also speaking about compassion (in other similar threads too), how do you contribute? In addition to helping your house maid etc. that you have come up quite often.

    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #778378
    Donating and helping the poor. It is very good to talk about that. But how many of us do that? How long and how many we can support like this? Giving free food and money is not the solution for eradicating poverty. There should be ways for the people to earn their livelihood. We donate Rs.10/- to an old man thinking that he will eat food. But he will not do that but he will go have liquor in the government outlet. By donating money, we are encouraging such people. So I believe that we should not encourage such people.
    Many State governments are giving old age pensions, unemployment pensions, etc and when they are getting free money they are not willing to work and earn. These are the points that will come to our mind when we want to give a little money to a person.
    Poor people are being taken by the governments. But lower-middle-class people are suffering more than the poor. But nobody thinks about them.

    always confident

  • #778402
    Donating money to poor and destitute seems to be a simple measure to help them but that is not a permanent solution of the problem. Many organisations in the nature of NGOs and many other agencies are engaged in collecting donations for the needy person and a good part of that must be reaching the poor but again I will say that that is not a permanent solution.
    Until unless we provide jobs to these people or engage them in some cooperative constructive activity providing them a regular earning, their condition would not improve. Govt has to play a big role in this as well the NGOs and similar agencies.
    Many rich people are already donating a good money to charitable trust and will be doing that in future also but is that changing the condition of the poor?
    This is a big problem but not understood by people in its correct perspective. What is our aim - to change their condition or to give them free food till donations are pouring in?

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778403
    The idea of the author is fine. We must reach out to the common man with some financial aid so that, to some extent, we can mitigate their sufferings. The collection of a fund for the relief of such people should be our slogan. However, there are chances to misutilising of such resources. How the same can be averted?
    I think such funds need to be raised by the NGOs. They would take care of such a fund and ensure how best it can be utilised effectively ensuring the least wastage. There are a lot of people donating money to different societies for the betterment of such people but we cannot ensure its proper utilisation.
    We have seen sometimes the opposite effect of liberal donations. It has been observed that the free - ration distributed to the poor people goes back to the nearby shop since the commodity is sold by the beneficiaries.

  • #778410
    The author is correct. We should act with human compassion to the possible extent. When I went to Mumbai, then Bombay, I took my breakfast in a hotel at Mathunga. A man to my opposite seat took some dosa etc., as his breakfast and finally he ordered two packets of idlies containing four in each. When I came out of the hotel after my breakfast I saw that person offering the two packets of Idlies to the beggars sitting outside the hotel. They also received the packets with happiness. I learnt from this incident that though it is simple to see we have to extend our hand like this.

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