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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    A Sunday (14th April 2024) mathematical fun puzzle!

    For many people Sunday is the day to relax and enjoy. The whole day is available for various leisurely activities that we were planning and waiting for Sunday throughout the week.
    Many of us might like to amuse and entertain ourselves by getting engaged with some fun activity like playing an indoor game or solving a puzzle or riddle, etc.
    Today is Sunday (14th April 2024) and I am presenting a puzzling situation which might provide some fun and opportunity to analyse it from puzzle solving attitude.
    I solicit the responses, comments, and observations of the members on this mathematical fun puzzle.
    Three friends went to a hotel for taking some snacks, tea/coffee, etc and after having that got a bill for Rs 300. They splitted it and each paid Rs 100. As they left the hotel and started walking outside, the counter person realised that he had by mistake charged Rs 300 in place of Rs 270. So, he called the waiter and gave him Rs 30 to return it to them. The waiter had good change in his pocket and he quickly caught them outside and instead of returning Rs 30 returned only Rs 24 to them and cleverly kept Rs 6 in his pocket. They thanked him and proceeded ahead and distributed Rs 8 to each among themselves.
    Initially everyone paid Rs 100 but after getting Rs 8 back their individual expenditure became only Rs 92. It means they spent a total of 3 x 92 = Rs 276 only.
    So, they spent Rs 276 and waiter kept Rs 6 with him and that makes a total of 276 + 6 = Rs 282 only. But we started with Rs 300 and our calculations are bringing us to a total of Rs 282 only. It looks there is a mismatch of 300 - 282 = Rs 18.
    Why this mismatch? Is't it puzzling?
  • #778417
    Given to hotel; Rs. 270/-
    Waiter tip. ;. Rs. 6/-
    Money got back : Rs. 24
    Total Rs.300/-
    Each of them started with Rs.,100/-
    I am not finding any mismatch
    Rs.92/ including waiter's tip . Why the author add that six again I did not understand.
    What is the confusion?
    The calculation shown in the thread is wrong
    There is no necessity of adding Rs.6/- .

    always confident

  • #778419
    I can explain it in a different way. Initially they paid 300 but got back 24 so they spent 276. From their angle account is complete as 300 = 276 + 24.
    The waiter got 30 from the counter and kept 6 with him and returned 24 to those persons. So from waiter's angle also account is complete as 30 = 6 + 24.
    The counter person got 300 but gave 30 to waiter and kept 270 with him. From his angle also account is complete as 300 = 270 + 30.
    So there is no confusion.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778420
    Dr Rao, the calculations done in the puzzle are intentionally done in that way so that the puzzle solver can point out and make the reason of confusion clear.
    You have explained it in a correct way so you do not get that confusion.
    Let us see the observations of other members also and the way they tackle to explain it. There are many correct ways to explain it but the puzzle was created by the originator to find how people explain this mismatch. Thanks for your quick response.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778422
    the waiter has taken the money from the money given by the owner to the waiter. It should be accounted for only once. But it is accounted for two times in the thread. That has created this confusion. But when we study the whole issue properly there will not be any confusion.
    always confident

  • #778423
    Dr Rao, you are very right. The way the puzzle is presented many will get carried with it.
    We have to see it correctly as per the accounting practices and you made a valid point.

    Knowledge is power.

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