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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    All the states in our country should work in tandem with central government

    We have a good number of states and union territories in our country. Each state is run by the lagislative assembly chosen by the people of the state. Being a vast country there are geographical as well as cultural differences from one place to another and states will have their own priorities. Many local leaders will have a prominent say in state's politics and will have the mandate of the people for that.
    All the states are supposed to work in tandem with the central Govt which is the main binding force between so many states and it is imperative that states have to act in accordance with the national regulations and policies declared by central Govt from time to time.
    There are certain matters where states can have their own decisions but they should not have conflict with the national interest.
    The progress and development of a democratic country like India would solely depend on the better coordination and cordial relations between the states and central Govt. Any conflict or clash of interests will be detrimental to our growth and prosperity.
    What are your thoughts on this? Please share your views.
  • #778435
    That is very correct. When the State government and the Central government work together with a common goal of serving the people of the nation and aiming at the development of the nation, the chances of attaining their goals will become higher. Generally, this will happen if both governments belong to the same party or friendly parties. A good example of this is the State of Uttar Pradesh. When we talk to the people of Uttar Pradesh, their general feeling is that the state is flourishing.
    If the State Government respects the Central Government and tries to implement the policies in tandem with the central government we may see good development in all the areas. If it goes the other way the state may not develop at the same phase as other states. If both governments work for the development of the nation and the welfare of the people, then we will see much difference.

    always confident

  • #778438
    The purpose of dividing a big country into so many states is basically to make the administration easy and smooth. One single central authority cannot take care of each and every corner of such a big country. Making of states also satisfy the political ambitions of the local leaders and a general satisfaction in the common public who believe that only the local leaders will be able to do better for them.
    In our country there are so many languages spoken in different areas and people have their own traditions and cultures and we cannot force anyone not to follow ones traditions as that is the lifeline for them.
    So making of states is fully justified but if a state starts to feel that it can survive or progress without its good relations with the central authority then it is a big mistake and that is where we have to be cautious and careful and correct the state administration.
    Central Govt has full powers to dissolve the state government if such a situation emerged where the interest of the country are jeopardized.
    Central Govt should not dictate the states and at the same time states should work in tandem with it. This is a necessary prerequisite for inclusive growth.

    Knowledge is power.

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