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  • Category: Tamil Nadu

    A forgotten page from Tamil History: True story of a Temple-dancer

    Yesterday was Tamil New Year. To honour the Tamil tradition, let us remember the pious temple-dancer, whom we have almost forgotten.

    It was 1323.

    Srirangam was attacked by the Delhi Sultanate forces during the Tamil month of Vaikasi. Nearly twelve thousand residents of Srirangam had laid down their lives fighting to protect the temple. The Sultanate forces attacked the sacred temple and Lord Ranganatha's jewels and the temple gold were taken away. The forces also wanted to seize the deity of Lord Vishnu. They searched for the deity, but the Vaishnavite Acharya, Pillailokacharya had taken the deity away and fled to Madurai. It was later returned in 1371.

    Unable to locate the deity, the Sultanate forces killed the temple authorities and later launched a massive hunt for Pillailokacharya and Namperumal.

    Fearing that the Sultanate barbarian forces would capture the Acharya and the idol, Vellayi, a temple dancer, performed a dance before the commander of the forces, to gain time for Pillailokacharya to escape with the image. Her dance lasted for hours, and finally, she took the commander to the eastern gopuram and pushed him down. After killing him, Vellayi herself jumped to death from the tower of the eastern entrance, chanting the name of Ranganathar.

    Hailing Vellayi's sacrifice, the chief of the Vijayanagara forces, Kempanna, who drove away the Sultanate forces, named the tower after her. The gopuram continues to be painted white in her memory and is now called Vellai Gopuram.

    Let us not forget the sacrifice of this pious lady for the sake of Sanatan Dharma. Those who are planning to eradicate Sanatan Dharma, may not have heard the story.
  • #778440
    Vellayi Gopuram:
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

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  • #778442
    History is a very interesting subject as it keeps all the past events in its fold so that coming generations can read it and can become aware of the various activities happened in the past.
    The cruelties done by the invaders on our country and subsequent rule by them is a fact that the present generation should try to read and learn a lesson that we have to make the defence of our country such that no foreign power can date to think attacking us. We must learn from history.
    The sacrifice by the dancer Vellayi as mentioned in the above post is a great example of the courage and brevity to safeguard one's land and people from the offenders.
    Parents should tell such historical stories and episodes to children so that they grow up with a feeling of national pride in them.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778447
    The author has narrated the story very interestingly and I thank him for the same. We visited that temple twice. I remember that the guide there explained the same to us. There are many temples in Tamilnadu. All these temples are maintained very well and the priests in these temples are very orthodox and follow the systems very well. Unfortunately, many temples in the South are destroyed by some rulers belonging to other religions. But many history books never bring out the actual stories. However, researchers in the field are trying to bring out the actual history out. I feel that spoiled places should be renovated and brought back so that the people of this country understand the greatness of their forefathers.
    As mentioned, the students should be taught actual history.

    always confident

  • #778451
    The author has very nicely presented the historical account of the boldness of dancer Vellayi diverting the attention of the offenders to help the important persons leave the area and get protection.
    It is a historical fact that our country was invaded by the outsiders so many times and they looted the gold and other valuables and in that process many temples and other places were harmed by them in a big way.
    Finally the invaders captured our lands and ruled here for a long time and our religious places were affected much by their offences.
    It was only after the Britishers took control of Indian peninsula the Mughal rule saw its end and a sigh of relief was seen but still we were ruled by the Britishers.
    Everyone is aware about these things and there is nothing new to tell but the important point is that this information should pass on to the next generation clearly and precisely so that they know about these things and understand the importance of freedom that we finally got in 1947.

    Knowledge is power.

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