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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    It's not my choice though!

    Just I was browsing the threads related to the ongoing 'Choice contest' and started thinking about my choices in the various spectrum of my personal life. Then I simply smiled and got back to my own business.

    Whether anyone accepts or not, we are still a male dominated society. Yet the influence of the other gender would be there in every sphere of our life as Mother, sister, daughter and may be a personal friend too. In another thread here, the author asked about the 'Colour' preferences and I like 'Violet' more since the days of my learning about VIBGIOR in Physical Sciences. During those days, I started searching shirt pieces mixed with Violet color and Mom used to enter the scene and decides the best ones for me and got certified by Dad and sisters. I followed her as I was branded as mother's Son (Mamma's boy). When got married, it's the turn of my wife to select dresses for me and perfectly performed the duties of a faithful husband. She used to feel proud, when everyone praises my dress code in the party and happily give credit to her for the dress selection. Now, it's the turn of my daughters to select branded ones either offline or online shopping. Here too, I would say very nice to see the joy in their faces.

    Of course, I enjoyed my dress wear, though it's not my choice!
  • #778452
    The author has used the word choice in an interesting dimension where a particular choice was always made by the close family members in his life.
    In a closed knit family this often is the case and many times we leave the choices to other members.
    It had happened with me also many times and this thread has made me to recollect all those things and I would like to share a few here.
    When I was doing my UG course then one relative who was employed in US, visited us and after seeing my scores in 10+2 asked my father to arrange to send me to him in US and he told that he would help me to make a career there as there was a demand of people for various jobs after BS/MS. I was excited and in high mood but my parents flatly refused whatever be the reasons. I was even not asked my choice.
    Another is after my PG, when I got a call for interview for a research work in defence laboratories, my parents did not allow me for that.
    There are many situations like that and my intention is not to blame my parents because at that time I without being offended agreed everything they told me. I had no choice.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778456
    It is very true that we can not make any choice if there is no opportunity to do so. Basic thing is that there should be a conducive and favourable atmosphere to do so. When we are in a constrained situation then choices become practically very less and sometimes even become nil.
    In such a situation, which is of course a situation of desperation, what choice one would take.
    Anyway, there is no point in being discouraged by these things which are not in our hands rather we have to search for sunrays in a cloudy day and find out a way to proceed ahead for achieving our objectives.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778462
    Very interesting. This post confirms my thinking about choices. To see smiles on the face of someone close to us we will accept their choice and never go beyond that. It happens many times and in many persons. My brother attended a counselling process to join the polytechnic with my father. I told him to take the branch he liked even though the college is far from our native place. But after going there my father made him join a nearby college in a branch which was not his choice. After returning home he told me this and I could not say anything.
    I thought of marrying a girl. But my family members were against it. But I wanted to proceed. The girl's parents felt that when the family members did not like their daughter, she may have to face a different situation. Later on, I married another girl. Of course, I have no regrets.
    So the choices of others will become over choices and we may have to pull on with whatever is coming our way.

    always confident

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