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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    What would be your manifesto if you had been elected as the PM of India?

    If you were in a very powerful post, the Prime Minister of India, which is the most populous country in the world with approximately 1.486 billion people, what would be your manifesto or priorities of resolutions after assuming office? Well, let me say if, by luck, I had been elected as the PM of India (Maintaining my household is a tough task, I am sure, I don't wish to be a PM of our nation) my priorities would be numerous in the present political scenario of the country. However, I would like to list a few only.

    The first thing would be to abolish the reservation system based on caste/minorities/disabilities/gender both in education and employment. Financial background would be the sole criterion in education, I prefer. No board exams, NEET/JRE, or any kind of such aptitude tests. Just quarterly assessments with good credit scores are enough to evaluate at the high school to move on to the next level of higher education. From the 9th grade, the students can choose their core subjects along with English. A stream of single-board education throughout the country irrespective of region, language, public/private, etc. would be my choice. If they are education/skill-wise eligible they should be given employment.

    I wish to revamp the democratic political system, including a tenure of four years instead of five years for the MPs/MLAs and the elected members who were unable to keep up promises or indulged in any scam/corruption will not be given a nomination to contest for the second term. I think it would be better to follow the American democratic principles of the election of the President with State Counties with the number of parties limited to two or three. In India, why are so many parties allowed?

    From my standpoint, the agriculture sector should be the predominant focus along with industrialization. Direct marketing between the farmers and the people (consumers) should be a key factor in providing enough agricultural markets and warehouses to store the produce with modern food technology. Insurance schemes should be streamlined to safeguard the farmers from natural calamities like floods, drought, etc.

    Let me have your valuable input if you become a PM of India
  • #778536
    Bhavani Madam has asked an excellent question.

    But, I am not going to answer this question in detail. I do have my own manifesto consisting of twenty-odd points, and each point will be considered very controversial and 'not matching the parameters of this site'. It would be very difficult for me to defend all these points of my manifesto due to acute shortage of time.

    So, I will mention only the first point of my manifesto. This is: Changing the present Constitution and writing an entirely new Constitution for the country.

    Let me write one or two lines in this regard.

    The erudite members (including the editors) do know that Indian Constitution came into force on 26th January 1950. So, the Constitution is only 74 years and 3 months old. We may call it a very young constitution compared to the constitutions of the USA, Great Britain and many other countries.

    The extremely knowledgeable members also know that the first amendment of the Indian Constitution was enacted on 18th June 1951, i.e. within 1 year 4 months. Till now, Indian Constitution has been amended 106 times! In 74 years, it has been amended 106 times.

    On the other hand, the Constitution of the United States of America has been amended only 27 times in 236 years! Can we compare?

    So, my simple view is that the Constitution which requires 106 amendments in 74 years should be completely discarded and a new Constitution is immediately brought into force. The new Constitution should be less complex. Let us not forget what great DD Basu had said about the Indian Constitution. He once remarked that the Indian Constitution is the 'haven for lawyers.' Even then, the old Constitution cannot solve the problems which come into play everyday (for example, running the state government from jail).

    So, the first point of my manifesto is to develop/prepare/write an entirely new Constitution keeping in view the needs of the people of this great country.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #778537
    What is there in the offing, nobody knows. I saw a Telugu movie in which the movie's hero becomes the Chief Minister of a State for a day. In that single, he made many changes in the system. But what is the use? The next normal CM comes back and he cancels all the action taken by the temporary CM.
    If I were the PM of this most populous democratic country, I would see that no caste or religion would be considered for any issue. Reservations would be abolished. Financially backward students will be given scholarships to continue their education. No Salary or pension to MPs/MLAs/ Ministers. Only allowances will be given. Minimum qualification would be decided for contesting in any elections. The minimum education for voting also would be prescribed. Any person with corruption charges or any other criminal cases would not be allowed to contest the election.
    Many persons may think similarly, but once a person becomes a PM how much support he gets from his party and the opposition party will decide about the working way of the PM? I think.

    always confident

  • #778539
    If I am elected as the PM of this great country then I will try to bring some changes of course through the parliamentary process only.
    First is abolition of all types of reservation except for the handicapped and disabled. Next is abolition of all sort of cards like ration card, voter card, etc and make Aadhar card more powerful converting it to a citizenship card where for refugees and illegal migrants a separate identity will be mentioned.
    Next change that I would go for is change the optional languages for students. What I mean is the student will have to elect a language from Panjabi, Hindi, Bengla, Rajasthani, Assamese, and others alike group and will also have to elect the second language from Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malyalam, and likewise group.
    Coming to the taxes, I propose to increase the GST rates for all luxury items. Rates of income tax will be pruned down to minimum or made zero for people earning below Rs 10 lakhs. As most of the middle class or poor senior citizens will be within this band I propose to remove any concession in tax rate for them.
    I will discourage the payment of overtime to employees and instead suggest to employ more people. There will be efforts to make salaries to be capped and should not be very high instead employ more people whether it is a Govt organisation or private.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778545
    If I have given that chance then I would first go for promulgating uniform civil code and then identify all the illegal immigrants and migrants and give them an identity card and identification but not the voter card. After that we have to start process of deporting them to the countries from where they came.
    Next thing that is very important is rationalisation of salaries. In Govt sector salaries are quite high and they are to be either reduced or there should be a special tax on those earnings.
    I will also remove the reservation policy and if there is any preferential treatment then it should be only based on financial condition.
    We must have a national identity card replacing all other cards which are creating a lot of confusion in the system. State Govt will have to take all actions and apply schemes as per this card only.
    Any Govt advertisement in the newspaper should be endorsed by PM as well as CM because it is a joint effort. The photos of PM and CM both should appear on that advertisement irrespective of which party is in state or which in centre. We should have some basic national etiquettes in these matters.
    The next most important thing is more power to police for punishing the guilty. Law for punishing the culprits for rape and murder should be made more severe.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778548
    The question raised by the author is very interesting. Well to tell my readers about the role of the prime - minister, he has to take steps to provide an efficient administration to promote peace and the welfare of the citizens. He has to be aggressive in containing the decisive forces eliminating goondaism and other anti-social activities. Narrating the roles of the prime - minister looks simple but it is not that easy.
    Whatever step he takes for the welfare of citizens, the opponents would take the advantage of the situation influencing the citizens that the step taken by the PM would produce a negative effect. It implies that he must have the capability to take both oppents and ruling in confidence to promote peace in the region. Since ours is a democratic country having different opinions of the people, convincing them the benefits of his steps might be a difficult task.
    Despite this, he has to be bold in terms of decision - making and must be far - sighted to assess the consequences of his steps.

  • #778556
    Eradication of poverty was the agenda of all the political parties in India since the Independence. Now it has taken a new shape in the form of 'Freebies' for various sections of people who are below poverty line. But nobody talks about the 'beggars' in the country, right from the corridors of the Capital to the Railway platform of a rural railway station. Only some Social Service Organisations appear to take care of them and the eradication of beggars in India would be my main agenda.

    One India, One syllabus for all the students should be the motto with exception for choosing Mother Tongue as on regional language subject and the Medium of Instruction would be English for the rest of the subjects. This would minimize the regional disparities and language barriers. I would take up this difficult task keeping in view of the future of the children in India.


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