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  • Category: Suggestions

    Let us not abandon our forum posts just after posting?

    Forum section is not only the gateway to ISC but also a very nice place to discuss on various matters. These discussions are very healthy and are always adding knowledge and information of various kinds.
    Many members are floating new forum posts from time to time and a good number of members are responding to them to make the forum section active and vibrant.
    I have a feeling that the member who has initiated the post should check the responses and occasionally add or comment from his or her side so that the discussion continues in a lively fashion. I know that members must be reading the responses to their posts but at times it appears as if they have simply posted it and forgot about it.
    My idea is only to make the forum threads more interesting and nothing more than that. What is your view on that?
  • #778594
    I recall Sun had raised this same issue a couple of times, asking why members did not look after their own threads. He, too, felt that it is necessary to respond to others participating in the discussion and thus continue to keep the thread active.

    I admit that many times I have been inactive in the threads I raise. I will have it at the back of my mind and decide that perhaps at some other later point in time, I will come back to it, but unfortunately the 'later' never comes. I give self-excuses about being busy working on an article or editing, but actually, it is just terrible procrastination!

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #778596
    Yes, we discussed this issue earlier also and felt that we should have done that and I did that few times and still trying to follow it occasionally wherever I find that my response or comment will help the thread to gain more momentum and also help survive it for more time.
    It is also true that too much intervention or moderation of a thread by originator will not be a good thing for its healthy progression.
    In essence, occasional comments of the originator will be helpful.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778603
    A good advice from the author. A thread is our own creation. So we should monitor it and see how the readers are reacting to the thought and responding. If we feel that we should add something more, we should add it. If necessary we have to discuss our thoughts. But many times it may not be happening. It all depends on the time we have. The author should react only when it is necessary. Unnecessarily coming in between many times may cause some irritation to other members also.
    I feel we should be open in our discussions. Keeping something in our mind, and reacting differently is not a good practice, I feel. Openness gives a healthy atmosphere around and we will feel like spending more time here. The author should act as a moderator and if the discussions are going differently, the author should see that the discussion will be back on the track.

    always confident

  • #778638
    Wherever seems necessary and relevant I support my post with my comment or a few lines of moderation and thread gets new doze of oxygen. Motivated by that only I floated this post.
    I hope more members will spare time for occasional commenting in their own threads.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779308
    I will reiterate that occasionally commenting or responding by the originator of the thread to other responses is a healthy thing for a particular forum discussion. Recently I checked some of my forum posts and found that I could add something relevant and valuable and I did that and it worked well and even attracted more responses.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #779345
    When you raise a thread for discussion, it is imperative that you monitor the same. Raising a thread for the sake of it and not following it with clarifications and responses reflects badly on you as an author. It is not that you should keep posting responses but the other members who are posting their views or ideas must get a feel that the author is watching. This is a point that has been brought to light many a times but persuasion from some quarter still appears to be needed and that is discouraging.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #779369
    A good point raised by the poster!!
    When you discuss something, you should always give your views when you have started a discussion. I have also observed many times that the original poster never returns, even when he or she gets lots of responses to the post. It looks as if the poster was never interested in the discussion but posted it just to make others discuss it.


    " The two most important days in your life are the day when you are born and the day you find out why? "
    – Mark Twain

  • #779382
    [Response removed by Admin. Read forum policies.]

  • #781183
    It sounds like you're referring to engaging actively in discussions to keep threads lively and valuable. By contributing meaningful comments and responses, you can boost the visibility and relevance of the thread, helping it stay active and useful for longer. It's a great approach to maintaining momentum and fostering productive conversations. Keep it up!

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