Should State Universities also start Technical courses?
At least in Tamil Nadu, there are one or two State Universities like the Periyar University, Salem, that runs the M.Tech (Energy Management) course. However, there is a hugely popular Anna University, Chennai, that is an apex Technical University, controlling around 500 colleges, throughout the State. It also runs a distance education wing as well.Now, the question is: should State Universities, that are always in conflict with the technical University, over the jurisdiction and power to run technical courses, be allowed to run special courses like the aforesaid one, where there are competent teachers available? The interesting part is that the course has the AICTE approval. Is the approval of the State Technical University essential? This is one unclear part of the entire story.
What about other States? Do we have a Technical University, and another one or even more than one State University offering technical programs that are recognized by the UGC and the AICTE as well?