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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    The cycle of revenge has no end!

    Revenge is a word that evokes negative sensation in our minds. It is an offending action to sort out the old accounts. In taking revenge sometimes individuals are involved but many times we see groups chasing and offending others.
    It is human nature that when one is insulted or offended or harmed by other person one gets the feeling of revenge and does not calm till it is achieved. But there is more to revenge than that. Once the people start revenging then a cycle of offences and counter offences begins and there are cases when revenging actions prolong for generations.

    One should never go on the path of revenging as that is a beginning of a long chain and would harm both the parties. The cycle of revenge has no end. What do you think?
  • #778880
    As far as possible one should be peace-loving and should not fight with each other or should not deceive others. Some people try to harm others and try to make them scapegoats in fulfilling their wishes and desires. In such a case, some people feel they are deceived and try to harm the person who made them hurt. There are many examples of this. We all know how the enmity between Kauravas and Pandavas. Initially, Kauravas and Pandavas were getting educated from Drona. Kauravas started getting jealous of Bhima. So they started deceiving them. Then Bhima started taking revenge on them. Slowly the disputes started increasing. That has led to war between them.
    Gandhiji advised us to show the second side when somebody hit us on one side. But all human beings can't be like that. But it is always better to forgive and forget. But how many of us can follow this? It requires a lot of control on us for us.

    always confident

  • #778883
    Revenge is an animal trait where one animal will try to answer each and every offence by other. Humans are also animals but the higher consciousness of mind differentiates them from the common animals. Humans have logic and rationality in their thinking process which makes them to take good decisions and accordingly they react to the actions of other people.
    It is obvious that humans should not do anything which leads to unnecessary conflict and confrontation.
    So, at the first place one should not make any offence just like that without thinking the pros and cons of the action. Second which is more important is tendency to retaliate. Revenge is a form of retaliation only. Revenge generates revenge. Why we should get trapped in that unending process? There are many good ways of settling issues and we should refrain from the evil of revenge.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778884
    Revenge is not the way to achieve our target. It entirely disturbs our mindset. There are different tasks to be done. It might happen that in our task assignment, we have been deceived by our competitors and are facing a temporary failure. It is not that we cannot be successful in that venture. However, we are not thinking in that line since our minds are preoccupied with negative thoughts of retaliation. Such a constant thought does not allow us to think freely how to achieve the work successfully.
    Hence we need to understand concentration is the main parameter to achieve success. With our cool mind, we can undertake multiple tasks and we can get success but the only thing is to change our thinking pattern first so as to get overhaul success in our lives.

  • #779233
    Members have well presented their views about revenge. Let me add that revenge is a natural response that happens when a person is offended or insulted by other person. It is so quick that its after effects are known only at a later time.
    It is said that wise and prudent should never tread on the path of revenge and that is what distinguishes them from the common lot.
    It makes great sense in refraining from revenge of any kind in our lives.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779236
    Mahabharat war happened mainly due to revenge only. Duryodhana jailed his maternal grandfather and all his relatives. But Sakuni survived and he wanted to take revenge on Duryodhana. So he took his side by acting as his well-wisher and saw that all Kauravas would die. The war at Kurukshetra started mainly due to revenge only. When both Pandavas and Kauravas were young, Bhima used to prank Kauravas. That made Kauravas animus and they wanted to take revenge. That was the beginning of enmity between Kauravas and Pandavas which led to a big war in which countless people died.

    One should not think of taking revenge on others, many say. But how many of us can follow that? If the majority of people never indulge in revenge, we will see a different world. But is it practical? People will wait for a chance and take the revenge, I feel.

    always confident

  • #779241
    I do agree with the views of the author that 'revenge' has no end. But keeping silent and bearing the pain would be a sign of your weakness and helpless domain you dwell in. Sometimes, the other side would provoke you and you can't help it other than waiting for the time and take revenge. The formula of Gandhi showing the other side of the face to get slapped again won't work every time and gone are those days. What happened in the states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, "The politics of revenge", isn't it?

  • #779246
    I agree with Jagdish. If we keep silent, it can be taken as our weakness but not as our patience. That is making a difference. Sometimes we may have to take revenge indirectly instead of directly attacking the other party. Today we are witnessing many political killings which are nothing but revenge only. One should not encourage such things. But we should show others that we can also do harm if we want. One should wait a while and see that the other person will know us correctly. These types of activities are seen in private organisations also. They try to harm other companies to enhance their business and then the other company will take revenge and see that again they will go up.
    always confident

  • #779248
    Yes, I concur with the thread title message.
    There is a proverb in Malayalam((and Tamil) " Vaaleduthavan Valaal' equivalent saying in English " He who lives by the sword dies by the sword".

    Revenge is a continuous burning fire inside the person's mind. It slowly destroys not just his victims but the person himself. Some revenges even continue with generations.

    Revenge takes birth from anger. Anger is one of the six negative characteristics of human beings. It is among the 'arishadvarga's or 'shad ripu' or the six internal enemies of human mind. Anger should be conquered by acquiring philosophical knowledge and also regular training of mind. Yoga is one of the ways to reduce the attitude of anger and bring the mind to peace.

    When one practices detachment and becomes aware of his insignificance in comparison to the large world or universe or compare with other living beings on Earth, gradually on gets rid of revenge feeling. One has to practice magnanimity and forgiveness. Then only sense of revenge will go.

    That is why our ancient texts teach us to cultivate "Kshama' or patience and forgiveness.

    The Sanskrit verses " Kshamaa balam ashaktaanaam, Shaktaanaam kshama bhushanam......" which means for those who are weak patience and forgiveness is the strength, for the strong patience and forgiveness is decoration.... and

    " Kshama shastram kare yasya durjanah,kim karishyati; Atrune patoto vahni swayamevopashamyati" which means for those who have the weapon of patience, not even the bad people can do any harm just as when fie falls on a place where there is no grass, it gets extinguished by itself.

  • #779259
    Feeling revengeful cannot, I feel, as such be termed negative. For example, take sports and games or may be students also, feel that urge to take revenge when they are defeated or surpassed. In such cases, feeling revengeful can be motivational and can inspire you to improve your performance.

    It is only when your thoughts and acts take a negative turn that revenge also puts on a negative cloak. And yes, such a feeling, or what we call an eye for eye, can be dangerous, for the individual or group as also to the society. It is true that revenge can be passed on to the next generations, but the degree of retaliation will depend upon the mentality of the persons to who the baton has been passed to. The author has rightly said that revenge is a vicious circle. It will never end unless the persons involved act maturely and apply the brake at some point of time.

    While we get to see many types of acts, criminal, atrocious, unethical etc., being committed by persons in the name of revenge, we do get to see, rarely though, people burying their vengeance and settling down amicably.

    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #779265
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    Phagu Mahato
    Success occurs when opportunity and preparation meet.

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