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This thread is the winner of the Thread of the Fortnight contest for the period 16th to 30th April '24.
  • Category: General

    How can students and teachers use the vacation in the best ways?

    Now, it is the time of vacation. The schools have been closed and vacations have been declared for the students and teachers. Generally, we go to different places to relax on vacation. But, vacations can be used for the betterment in different ways. It is necessary to be relaxed, but use these days to improve your skills. If you are a teacher, you can learn many pedagogical skills for your profession.

    If you are a student, use the vacation to learn the concepts of different subjects especially in which you are weak. You can also use different online platforms to learn the concepts of different subjects. You can also join a summer camp in which the organizer teaches you different skills and you also enjoy different activities.

    The respected members are requested to share their opinions in this thread.
  • #778902
    Summer vacation is too long and completely being away from books for two months is not advisable. But we should not make our children stick to books through out the vacation. My two granddaughters came to Hyderabad from Bangalore to enjoy their vacation. They wanted to spend some time in the village atmosphere. So I took them to my native village and we were there for 15 days. They enjoyed a lot there. I took to gardens around and also to Godavari river banks and other important places around. We came back to Hyderabad. We put them in Swimming coaching for one month. One hour daily they have to go there. They also have music and dance classes. 2 hours in a week music and 2 hours dance classes in a week. They read some Sanskrit books and other story books for 2 hours and the remaining time they will be playing. So they are not pressured and at the same time trying to learn some new skills. Like this, all children can plan their summer vacation to enjoy as well as to learn.
    Coming to teachers, they have to plan their schedules based on their official program like election duties etc.

    always confident

  • #778913
    Summer vacation is a great time for students when they get a lot of spare time in hand. Nowadays there are many options for the students right from having fun to joining a new course. Parents also have a role in deciding that. Most of the students would like to simply enjoy in travelling or other such activities but due to the competitive world around they are compelled to go for some skill or internship course.
    I feel that as summer vacations are quite a long period a student can divide it in few parts where each part can be dedicated to a particular category of spending time. So, some part can be dedicated to learning new things also.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778918
    There was a time when vacation was a time for fun. Students enjoyed that and parents took it in the normal way. There has been a paradigm shift in this matter and today the world around us has become so competitive and challenging that student cannot waste time and have to utilise the vacation in a constructive way. Parents are also very particular about this and would not allow the children to waste their time like that.
    In such a scenario it makes sense to go for some skill based course or practical course so that the students can supplement their academic knowledge and lay foundation stones for their future career. Summer vacation is generally a long stretch of holidays and they can find some time for fun also.
    Today making a career is becoming a difficult task and efforts have to be made in that direction and what can be better than utilising the time effectively.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #778985
    My opinion is that vacation should be vacation. The dictionary meaning says that vacation is the action of leaving something one is previously occupied with. So, it is the time to relax and enjoy. It is the time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself, mentally and physically. I am not saying that one must throw away his books and forget that he is a student but one must feel free and have a great time as per his choice during vacations. One should, but, get back to his routine and refresh his lessons a few days before the vacation ends. Same is the case with teachers. Forget your classes and lessons and be a free bird for a few days. That will energize you and equip you to be more productive. You may utilize the last few days of the vacation to update yourself and to revise the lessons. A break in your daily routine is always advisable.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #779006
    Let the vacation should not be a point of stress. Vacation should be utilised to relax our nerves and to strengthen our body - function. Let us start our day with our arranged routine including all activities we would like to have.
    We should not remain under stress that our colleagues have joined English-Speaking Courses for improving their skills whereas the other groups have joined Science Coaching Classes for their improvements.
    I would like to add that the activities must be pursued as per our choice and the vacation should be utilized to maximize pleasure..

  • #779208
    A few days back I saw a group of students and a few persons from a volunteering agency walking near the golf course near our town where hilly section starts rising finally to meet the part of western ghats.
    Many walkers and fun loving people visit that area especially in rainy season when temporary water falls emerge from here and there.
    On enquiring I found that they were having big garbage bags and were going to the main place where people generally assemble and have some fun time and return. These students told me that they have holidays and they decided to clean the area and remove plastic bags, plastic bottles, and other such materials from there. They did it last year also.
    This appeared to me a better way to utilise the holidays and bring environment cleanliness awareness in the people.

    Knowledge is power.

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