We need professional services in smaller towns as well
Am now in Chennai. In the house where I stay, there is a washing machine some sixteen years old. It was not working.This house belongs to a near relative of mine.Enter Urban Clap. I was told that the services of this agency, an online booking medium is fabulous. So, this fellow who is no stranger to the particular house called up and asked for a photo of the interiors of the particular washing machine, carefully noting every single detail of the problem causing the repair.
The service mechanic came with the particular spare part, and did the job in minutes. In the smaller town of Sholinghur, some 105 kilometres from the metropolis of Chennai, there are no such services. We always have to depend on local guys who service a much larger area of upto fifty kilometers as the number of people who own washing machines is far less and aggregates to a large number only if the other outer areas are included.
Some smart entrepreneurs should spring up in smaller cities. They could start an app and enroll a number of fellows like the motor mechanic, the carpenters, the electrician and plumber, the AC mechanic and those who repair all the other electronic goods.
There is this huge gap that needs to be exploited.