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This thread is the winner of a Special Prize in the Thread of the Fortnight contest- 01st to 15th May '24.
  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Whatever facilities we have, we always complain!

    I remember that during our childhood the old ladies in the house complained of cleaning vessels because at that time we used to coat the vessel bottom with ash to protect them from becoming stained with the fire flame from wood that we used in the wood stove for cooking activities.
    Then came the kerosine stove in which the flame was not so harmful for the vessel bottoms still it blackened them. So we had to clean them with extra efforts. We always complained about that.
    Then came the steel utensils, cooking gas, tough cleaning sponge and many other accessories that made the life of housewives easy. But we still made complaints and even for that work always wanted to have maid servant to do that.
    The point is that though facilities and conveniences increased with time but we, whether housewives or other members of the family, always had complaints about the work in hand and wanted someone else to do it.
    Have you observed this tendency of the people? What do you think about it?
  • #779050
    That is the nature of a human. They always want more and more. They are never satisfied with what they have and they always want more. When we have no house we think of a small apartment. After getting into an apartment, we think of individual houses in a gated community. Like this, we expect more. The same is the case with convenience also. We want more and more comforts in our lives. I remember walking and going to school. Then I used to complain to my mother about my father as he was giving me a bicycle. After that, my complaint to my mother was about a scooter. Lile this if somebody is there to hear us we will be complaining about something or other. But when we are at the receiving end we may not complain about anybody.
    Instead of complaining to somebody, we should learn how to be satisfied with what we have and try to earn more so that we can make our lives more comfortable. A contented man will never have such complaints.

    always confident

  • #779053
    It is basic human nature to seek more comforts. More facilities we get more for we yearn. It might look strange but it is a fact of life.
    All those people who have come from a lower class family must remember the hard old days when for everything they had to struggle and for getting a small convenience they had to work long hours. Today they may have become well to do but still not satisfied and want to earn more and also hire more servants for managing their household.
    There are some families which are totally dependent on servants and do not know how they would manage if there are no servants.
    Our ancient scholars had mentioned in their writings that we should not run after the materialistic things as that would only increase our hunger for them. Also more conveniences make us lazy and lethargic. It is better to use effectively what we have and refrain from complaints.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779064
    When I joined Bokaro Steel Plant as an operative ( a supervisory cadre) after my initial training in 1973, my salary was not bad for we two couples. Anyone in the initial phase, we were in needed some money to purchase some domestic items, such as sofa sets, fridges, and a dining table followed by chairs. It is not that we could have such basic entities immediately but we could afford all such items one by one.
    Then there was the necessity of getting our kids admitted to the schools. Without having a second thought, I chose the management school for their education, though public schools like St. Xavier's School, Chinmaya School, DAV School etc but in terms of education, management schools were not bad either.
    Later I was promoted to an executive by my professional qualification, but my priority was shited to their betterment ignoring the temptation of replacement of the old items.
    Ultimately, I achieved my satisfaction due to their settled lives.
    I don't complain any one for my compromise for the stylish accessories.

  • #779218
    There is another aspect to this. Many times people see that other people are having more facilities and enjoying luxurious life and they become tempted to that. There might be some element of envy or jealousy in that perception but the end result is to yearn for more facilities in our lives. There will not be satisfaction with what we have. The irony is that once we acquire a new thing we soon get bored with it and start complaining about all the deficiencies and negative points about that particular facility.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #779225
    It is human nature to always complain about something. It is not that women alone complain. Men who have horrible bosses at work, that is, the autocratic bosses who take all decisions and do not allow them the space to grow and develop and express themselves, also complain to their wives and there are so many times when the wives would not even give them a hearing and would actually chide their husbands.
    We have to tolerate such behavior. It is quite natural. Similarly, human wants are unlimited and we always keep on aspiring for the bigger things, that is, luxuries.

    In the years to come, this desire for better lives will simply envelop our collective consciousness, every minute of our lives.

  • #779226
    Yes. The main reason is our endless desire. We are standing in a bus stop, waiting for bus. Our mind first think our bus should come first. When we see our bus at a distance our mind felt pleasure but think crowd should not be there. When we see bus with less people, our mind think we should get seat for sitting. By boarding into the bus we see vacant seats we think we should get window side seat.
    This is simple example but our mind plays like this in many times.

  • #779228
    It is an inherent nature of humans that they will never be contented with what they are now or what they have now. This attitude also brings forth the saying' Ikkaraikku akkarai pachai' which is equivalent to "Grass on the other side is always green".
    We always compare ourselves with people who(we feel) have more wealth, health and happiness. But we very easily ignore or avoid those suffer from various handicaps, and have lesser wealth, health and happiness than us. In Malayalam the words for Gratitude and Ungratefulness are "Nanni" and "Ninna" respectively. The only difference is of a character sounding 'i". Instead of feeling gratitude for God who gave us all normal physical and mental faculties, most of us have umpteen complaints against God.
    That is why it is suggested that people should visit hospitals and charity homes to see how much blessed we are; seeing those who have real reasons to complain about their deficiencies, handicaps and ill-health.
    "Samtripti' or contentment is a characteristic and attitude to be cultivated from young age and it should be part of upbringing children in family and should be included in syllabi also.

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