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  • Category: Creative Writing

    Even though not redeemable, saving this is essential; What?

    When we say about savings, the first thing that comes to our mind is Money. No one can dispute that saving money is a useful habit. It is a provision for future. It is some amount that we keep aside, so that we can use it at a later time as per our requirements.

    Generally when we save money in banks and take it back later, we may get more money than what we saved. So, we all know that when we save money, we can get it back later, the same amount or more. That is why we save.

    However, there is something which we are all taught and advised as essential to save, but not expressly told that we will never get it back. That is, it is not redeemable. Ironical, isn't it.
    Yes, but this saving is still a good habit and we are benefitted and it has to be learned, applied and cultivated as a habit.

    Members, I would like you to crack your brains, use your knowledge and experience and come with your own answer and details. As per one's creative talents, there can be very unique answers too. Let us take this as both fun and also as productive and creative exercise.

    Mind you, though I have raised this question, I and/ or me are with the answer too.
  • #779056
    A very interesting post by the member invoking our creative faculties. Saving something for future not in terms of money but redeemable in a useful manner.
    In my view inculcating good habits could be one of such things that pays in a long run. It requires a lot of efforts and discipline to inculcate good habits because human nature is generally against any change in our lethargic and sedentary life and only those having good will power and determination can be successful in nurturing good habits.
    As an example, we all know that early to bed and early to rise is a great way to manage one's day to attain good health and success in one's endeavours but how many of us are able to adhere to that type of time table? Those who can achieve such discipline in one's life and continue it for a long time can reap the benefits of it later especially in old age.
    Saving these qualities as traits is one sure way to redeem them at a later stage.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779058
    Indeed, apart from money, cherished memories, or moments of happiness, wherever it may be, during childhood days, school life, energetic, and enthusiastic in-campus academia, are great assets that could be the best savings in one's life. Though the moments are not redeemable, they will be cherished in our memories as long as life goes on.

    Books can also be savings. As a vivid reader, I have a good collection of books. We can cultivate reading as a habit in our younger generation. "Today a reader, Tomorrow a leader", I don't know whether I will become a leader in the future, but I don't wish to be a leader.

  • #779061
    Saving good memories in our minds is very essential. Erasing the difficulties faced and storing the joyful moments in our minds will make us use them when we are not happy. We can recollect those happy moments enjoy the past and forget the present difficulties. Many of us might have seen photo albums. When we see those photos our saved good memories will come back and make us happy.
    Another thing we have to keep in mind is ethics and morals. We should be using them as and when required but should continue to keep them there so that we will not leave the path of Dharma.
    I don't know whether I am correct are not, but I feel one should save their anger and use it at an appropriate time. This phenomenon was useful to me during my career. I used to keep silent when I got angry with some employees. When those employees approached me for some favour I used to show my anger to them and shout at them pointing out the mistakes they have committed. I observed a lot of differences in the behaviours of some employees with this approach.

    always confident

  • #779065
    I would say that when we develop good relations with our relatives, friends, and even our own family members then that becomes the biggest asset in our lives and we must keep that sustained and preserve it for future. Money is important and has its own worth but relations are more important and maintaining them and saving them for future gives a good dividend.
    It requires patience and self-control for making good relations. It is not an easy task as we have to do a lot of accommodating and adjustments with others. People expect from others and to satisfy them within reasonable limits is essential for keeping the relations in a good shape.
    Whatever way we maintain our good relations it always comes back to us making us happy and contented with the people with whom we behaved well and kept long time relationship.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779072
    Saving money or the relation - both are important. We make it a habit to deposit a certain amount every month so that deposited amounts could be utilised in the hours of need. In that way, we need not go to anyone for financial help. In that way we can say that the habit so formed will protect us from financial stress in future.
    Apart from our saving habits in terms of money, the same analogy applies to our relationships with our friends. Nurturing relationships would provide us a firm bond of sweet relationship which, in turn, could provide a positive feeling essential for our survival.

  • #779093
    Members have brought in their views and most of them are logically suitable too.

    But frankly what I was having my mind was TIME. I gave a clue of this in a puzzle way in the last line in the thread-"Mind you, though I have raised this question, I and/ or me are with the answer too." (Time has I and ME too.)
    I agree that if we go on doing hairsplitting analysis my answer may not be so accurate , but overall, I wanted a message to be conveyed .That in life we have to keep good habits and not all may be giving the return on investment in quantifiable terms, but will be overall beneficial to our living.

  • #779094
    After posting the thread I just had a flash idea to ask the same question to Meta AI and Chat GPT.

    I quote below the relevant parts of the interactivity.

    Meta AI: answered with Coupon , but added it could be receipt or voucher depending on context. When I asked it to try different, it came up with Memory and again on asking for more alternatives it gave moment, ticket, souvenir, and token. When I said though the answers are logical that is not what I thought. Then it responded "I am glad I was able to come with some logical options even if they weren't the exact one you were thinking…..If you are willing to share I would love to know what you were thinking of. It might be a pleasant surprise or a new perspective. Please feel to share and I'll do my best to lean from it"
    Then I shared the exact word I thought of and Meta AI responded"" I see!.....Thank you for sharing the answer with me. I'll keep that in mind for next time".

    I asked the same question to Chat GPT also.
    I got similar answers but framed in different way. Initially it could not fully understand what exactly I wanted and intended especially for the term 'not redeemable' .it apologized for its confusion and explained what it means not redeemable. After a ping pong of dialogues, it helped me to reframe the question as not retrievable instead of not redeemable.
    Then it concluded that "This emphasizes that although the items mentioned cannot be regained once they are lost, saving or preserving them is still invaluable because it allows us to make the most of what we have in the present."

    It asked me to share the answer I thought of, if I don't mind. I gave the answer time. It happily accepted and said that it is a new learning and perspective for it and assured me that it will keep that in mind for future.
    Interesting, isn't it?

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