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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Living in the primitive ages - for some moment

    It was raining heavily with thunderstorms and to watch it from the balcony is a kind of experience that can only be felt. A while earlier I was working on my Desktop and the power supply went off with the gusty wind. There was an interesting turn of events here after the power cut and suddenly I felt like living in the primitive age. Most of you must be wondering what happened in the age of 5G that compelled me to compare it with the primitive ages.

    Actually, our backup power unit started malfunctioning and it was completely dark. It was also dark outside with lots of sparks in the clouds and rain. In the evening/night if there is no power you can imagine what it feels like as you cannot carry out the important tasks. It was like waiting for the sun to rise again so that the pending works could be completed, like in the primitive ages.
  • #779095
    A narration of practical realities happening in our life.
    Sometime ago I saw a WhatsApp troll post which said that in present days people interacted face -to-face with the other residents(family members) in the home only when the power and/or Wi Fi signal fails.
    We are so accustomed, addicted and subjugated monopolistically to most modern facilities that we do not know how to respond and adjust when they fail. We are victims to the giant monopolies for data, internet, and many other modern conveniences that we cannot antagonize them by word or deed and even nations are under their invisible clutches.
    Many of our people even the so-called intellectuals and think tanks do not evaluate the dangers of the situation and mock off the visionary leaders when they say about self- sustenance, self-dependence and 'Make in India".

    Water, Air and Earth are now commercialized and monopolized. Just today I saw a WhatsApp post imagining a future scene. A person who has taken commercial rights of the only tree in a large area collects Rs. 1000/- per hour to stand under the tree shadow. As a complement he allows free Wi Fi data. We cannot laugh it off. Such scary scenes may soon become reality if we are not careful and take suitable remedies and precautions.

  • #779099
    Very true. We are dependent on the modern facilities so much that we cannot imagine to live without them.
    When I was studying in my high school then I had to go from time to time to my village to take some essentials for my grandmother who lived alone in the old house there.
    At that time there was no electricity, no tap water, and no cooking gas and everything was nature based. Matchbox was the most valuable item and was kept in a safe place. Cooking was done on wood stove as wood was available in plenty. Coal was automatically obtained while burning of wood and was cooled with water and kept aside for using it later.
    There were no concrete floors in the house and everything was cow dung coated soil which could be broomed from time to time.
    If someone in the neighborhood was cooking food and we had yet to start we used to go there and bring some burning woods and start fire in our wood stove and not waster our match stick!
    Kerosene was another valuable commodity but people did all their reading/writing work in the day time itself and used the kerosene lamp for hardly an hour in the evening. If anyone left the room when kerosene lamp is on, he would decrease the wick to reduce the oil consumption and increase it only after coming back.
    Can we think of that type of life today?

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779112
    During my childhood, there was no power in our village. We used to read using kerosene lights. On the nights we go to my uncle's house to study. We were carrying our Kerosene lights for our study. Filling kerosene in the lights, cleaning the bulbs of these lights etc took almost an hour or so for my mother every day in the evening. If there is no electric light, children will stop studying and say they can't read in the dark. There were no mobiles or TVs in those days. Even landline phones were also very less and in some villages, there were no land phones also. The only way of communication is a letter through post or telegram. We saw those days and we are now experiencing all modern gadgets. We feel we are travelling back if all these modern gadgets are withdrawn or stop functioning.
    These days people have become accustomed to all starts of facilities and they may feel it is very troublesome to live without these facilities.

    always confident

  • #779129
    Today we cannot imagine even a few minutes without power. Our all activities are linked to the mains power. Our mobiles are getting charged, our refrigerators are 24/7 on, our water purifiers are continuously on, and our other electric gadgets are used in the house. So it would be a chaos if electricity is not there.
    Similarly there are many other facilities of which we have become habitual and cannot imagine life without them.
    I remember in our old house we had Indian type toilet and one of the guests who came from a big city had a great inconvenience in it and was telling us to get it replaced with a western toilet. So, we all are falling habitual of better and better facilities.
    I would add that we have become modern but at the cost of having lost our touch with nature.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779130
    In the past, we did not have any provision using mobile phones and for a minor query of our closed ones, we rushed to the STD booth or someone close to attend an STD call of the closed ones. In those days, we were habituated to our ceiling fans only to have comforts in the hot days. Ac was installed in the year 2005 and that too with an old version - window type. However, it did not make much difference in our lifestyle.
    With the progress of time, we have become accustomed to many modern gadgets due to the liking of our children and as a result, we have incurred a lot of expenditures to get all these things.
    I think many gadgets will be further replaced with the latest features in the upcoming time to lead a comfortable life.

  • #779176
    I have seen some people who are well to do and can afford luxuries but inspite of that they lead simple life. Some of them use bicycle for small distances near their house and do not bother for the onlookers. Then some rich people do many household work themselves and do not feel anything bad about that. These are the people who can live comfortably in absence of facilities and luxuries. They are prepared for any eventuality and can face it with boldness and patience.
    Most of the people otherwise are habitual of the modern facilities so much that they start crying if anything happens like electric shutdown or water shortage.
    We should not indulge too much in the modern facilities and try to connect to nature as far as possible and then only we would not feel bad in the times of such difficulties.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

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