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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Caring and Sharing beyond sharing daily chores

    Life is always thrilling when we share some happiness with others. A small prank, a nick name that does not hurt others,, timely jokes and doing something for those who do not have them.... the list is endless.

    Add to this, the relationship between the husband and his wife. We do see any number of examples from the IT crowd, only because they do not understand the basics. There is hardly any communication in all cases where both are IT professionals with very busy lives.

    Yet, a superb You Tube video where a 60 plus man understands that he had not treated his wife well during his active life, through a friendly conversation with his daughter, was too good. It has English sub-titles, with Hindi dialogues. Guess it must be a short film.

    Well, when we are 60 plus, only caring and sharing in not only doing the household chores,but also sharing all emotions,feelings and lively moments will make a big difference. We need to get back to basics to understand the true meaning of caring and sharing.
  • #779154
    Caring and sharing are very much required when we are in our early ages and again in our old ages. In earlier years, many people used to think that wives were only for serving us. Many people never used to care for them. I have seen many old widows who were not treated well by their sons and daughters-in-law. Those days such widows never used to open their mouths. Slowly there was a change and people started giving importance to females also. Thanks to many reformers who tried to help such females.
    One should understand that wife and husband are equal and require each other. Adjustments and understandings are very important for a couple. Those qualities are not visible in many couples these days. One should care for the other and share our joys with them.

    always confident

  • #779163
    A good thought by the author. Caring and sharing is a basic requirement in a relationship. No relationship can flourish in this world without that.
    When a couple becomes old then they will have good time together only when they had inculcated good relations with each other in past.
    Life is full of hardships and challenges and if there is no caring and sharing between the family members then life becomes a dry and aimless journey. What matters in life is only caring and sharing with each other.

    Knowledge is power.

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