Give hope and encouragement to those who need it
There is a model School in every district of Tamil Nadu, run by the State Government, where only those from economically and socially backward children are admitted. Those who do well in the TN State Board 10th standard examination are given all encouragement to study very well in their plus 2 stage, through free Personality Development sessions and so on. This is a fabulous experiment, where hope and encouragement are given for those in need. Even the VIT Deemed University is said to reserve some seats for such students, with full waiver of all fees.This is exactly what should be done to enable a doctor or an engineer or a scientist or a chartered accountants to emerge from families where the father or mother or both are sanitary workers, auto drivers, electricians and so on. Another example is the pink bus facility throughout the State, where women are allowed free travel. They travel upto 50 kilometers even in the month of May and halk vegetables, fruits, and other agricultural produce like organic fertilizers directly procured from farmers. They earn at least three thousand per month and it goes up to even twelve thousand in cases where the women double up as cooks are their daily sales is over.
Well, since I hail from this State,I can only narrate what I see. I directly talk everyday to attend least twenty different people. In every case, there are mostly just two children and they somehow find jobs after graduation. But the mother does not sit idle. She is on her own
Society cannot change without Government support. If the rich industrialists can be given waivers for bad debt to the tune of several thousands of crores, the poor also need safety nets like the ones described above.
I have mentioned only some details. In many cases, some rich persons also help the child to study further. Six such cases of engineers, who studied only in Government schools and engineering colleges, have all well settled in Australia, the USA and UK. In three cases, the children have taken their poor parents abroad for at least one full year.
Yet, the mother's so not stop their small businesses. In one case, the father, a habitual drunkard, has been reformed through counselling services, given free through the world famous CMC, Vellore, reputed to be one of the best Medical Colleges in the whole of Asia.
No amount of rhetoric can substitute action on the ground. We should all recognise this simple fact of life.