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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Why my Google AdSense earnings are so low?

    My Google AdSense account is linked to ISC. As per my understanding I would be getting some AdSense revenue depending upon the traffic to my pages. Earlier (about a year back), I was getting a little revenue every month but since then I am not seeing that in my AdSense account. It is showing low views and almost nil revenue.
    It simply means that traffic to my pages in ISC has gone down significantly.
    I attribute it to the following possibilities/reasons -
    1. My content quality is not very good.
    2. I am not much active in Article section/Knowledge Centre.
    3. There is overall decrease in the traffic to ISC site.

    I request the members/editors/webmaster who have knowledge of this matter to please give their views on this so that we all can have a better understanding of Google AdSense and revenue generation for the members who have got an Google AdSense account.
  • #779181
    First of all Google has changed its revenue sharing model from CPC to CPM. That means, you won't get any money based on clicks. But you will only get money based on pageviews.

    It is nothing about your quality of content. From March 2024 Google Core Algorithm update, overall ISC traffic might have got affected, because of which even your pageviews might have got affected.

  • #779185
    Bhuvan, thanks for providing some insight into the changed scenario in this matter. Yes, it is true that Google AdSense changes its algorithm time to time and accordingly the earnings are affected.
    Anyway, if any namber has some idea about how to cope up in the new situation then please share your views.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779186
    I heard this from many. As far as I understand Google was approving only a few for Adsense revenue. But recently it has changed its policy and approved many accounts. So there is an increase in Google Adsense approved sites and minimum payout is fixed at $100. So many members are not receiving any money. Google is getting benefitted as the amount is remaining with them. Not only ISC, but also many other sites got affected due to the policy change of Google. As mentioned by Bhuvan, Google is giving money based on number of Views.
    always confident

  • #779192
    I have also applied for Google AdSense account approval but it is still in pending mode. However seeing the grim situation of Google AdSense earnings and fixing of first payment at $100, now the situation for Google AdSense account holders become much more difficult as far as earnings are considered. Further, more accounts mean more competition and less revenue distribution.
    Even in earlier times it took a few years to reach that earlier limit of $50. Now the algorithm is also changed and limit is also increased all adding to the woes of the budding or established writers.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779212
    It is low across the board, that is, not just for us members but for many publishers.

    A suggestion- You could try submitting schools, but use the search tool within the section and the main search box to ensure that you do not post duplicates. Since the months from April to June/July are the time when parents search for information about schools before the admission season of the next academic session, this section may (I repeat, may) get a few earnings. You should put a few paragraphs of descriptive text with headings and not just a few sentences. Similarly, when you submit update info., don't just correct the address and contact details. You should provide quality descriptive text as well. This will get updated on the main school page, and you will get a share of the revenue generated from that page. Same for colleges.

    Secondly, see if articles related to career guidance, admissions to courses and study abroad admissions gets earnings for you.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

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