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  • Category: Online Education

    We need more quality players for value-added courses

    When there are more players in the online education space, the costs are likely to come down. One major player, who virtually dominated the online space for coaching of school and college students, is now deep in red and the Management Structure is undergoing drastic changes. Many others are struggling for survival.

    The UGC should frame new rules and regulations for even small players in the certificate and online courses, most of which are now in huge demand. For instance, there are a number of start-ups that offer courses in Human Resources Management, Financial Management and so on. The fees are quite affordable. If the rules specify the number of classes, for say, certificate and diploma courses, tie-ups with the local Deemed Universities of even State Universities should be easy.

    If we have a number of new courses, they can perhaps be add-on courses with tremendous value addition for students in the final year of B.Com or BA Economics and so on.

    Let the UGC now step in and do something to bring in new players and also lay down some broad guidelines. Innovation can then become much more easier.
  • #779190
    As far as my knowledge goes, there are many certificate courses, Diploma courses and PG Diploma courses with UGC or AICTE approval and many state and private universities are also offering these courses which are recognised by UGC. Even online courses and diploma courses also obtained permission from UGC. Many universities are offering degrees and diplomas in distant mode and with UGC approval only. For example, I know an institute in Hyderabad which is offering a diploma course for industrial safety and the Telangana factories department recognises this course for appointing a candidate with this qualification as a safety officer in the industry.
    Already there are guidelines from UGC for all courses in online mode also. The institutes should understand all of them and get themselves equipped with such requirements so that they will get recognition for the courses they are offering.

    always confident

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