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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Global warming is a reality! Is there any way to reverse it?

    Scientific studies suggest that during the last 100-150 years the average surface temperature of Earth has increased by almost 1 degree centigrade. People may dismiss it by telling that such changes will be there and it might go back to the original level but scientific studies tell us that it is not a fluctuating parameter but inching upwards and that is the real threat behind global warming and projections for next 100 years tell us that it would further increase by about 2 degree centigrade.
    Glaciers are melting, unprecedented floods are there in various parts of globes, Earth and oceans are getting warmer, and all these signs are telling that global warming is becoming a reality. Is not it a fearful thing? What is your view on global warming? Is there any way to reverse it?
  • #779222
    Average temperatures are increasing and there is no doubt about it. The global warming phenomenon is seen and experienced by many of us. We used to see many small birds in nature. But we are not able to see them. Even ubiquitous birds like Crows etc are becoming extinct. In my opinion, the real reason is hotness in the atmosphere only. If we continue our lifestyle, this problem may further enhance.
    We should change our ways of living to see that temperatures will not go up. We should not cut trees. We should stop smoking and stop releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Make the world look green so that whatever waste we are releasing will be utilised and give us what we require for our living.
    Using private vehicles will contribute more to greenhouse gases. So one should think of using public transportation and think of using electric vehicles. Using manual cycles for small distances is a real good way.

    always confident

  • #779224
    Yes, we observe that the global temperature has increased from the earlier one due to several factors. The following are the reasons for the surge in temperate -
    1) We do have several industries and the residual gases are emitting from the chimneys and wasteful products are responsible for the heightened temperature.
    2) There is an erratic rainfall pattern. Even in some areas, no appreciable rain is noticeable whereas in other parts, rainfall is enormous causing even floods in some areas. Such fluctuations are responsible for most - uniform forms of weather.
    3) Of late, there has been a substantial increase in vehicles being operated by either petrol or diesel causing substantial air pollution apart from enhancing the atmospheric temperature due to the emitted gases.
    4) The ongoing wars in the different countries have developed a surge of obnoxious gases which has affected the monsoon pattern hugely. This has resulted in dry spell in most of the countries including India.
    5) We are least sensitive to protect our trees causing a rapid fall of its number which in turn has caused a dry spell. The overall effect of this is being seen as elevation of temperature.

  • #779254
    Global warming is a topic that has been in discussions and limelight since a few decades and was debated across the various forums during national as well as international platforms. There was a time when many people dismissed the concept and told that it was natural to have cyclic temp patterns on Earth ranging from ice ages to warmer climates. It was also argued that in past that type of changes in climate had happened many times only thing was that the time scale of such changes is so large that we never experienced that.
    Anyway, even people who dismissed global warming as a hoax have now taken it seriously and everyone is worried for the future of mother Earth.
    Where we went wrong? The rapid industrialization coupled with jungle cutting and carbon emissions are said to be the reasons for this catastrophe and now reversing it seems to be a herculean task.
    Still, the experts feel that if all the countries in the world come together and start environment rebuilding actions coupled with replacement of fossil fuels with electric, wind, and solar power then we might be successful in reversing the trend or at least arresting the further increase in present temperatures.
    Can we collectively do that?

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779268
    [Response removed by Admin. Read forum policies.]
    Phagu Mahato
    Success occurs when opportunity and preparation meet.

  • #779282
    Many members have contributed their knowledge about this burning topic and what I could gather is that collective efforts at national and international levels are required in a quick mode to face this unprecedented challenge to the very existence of humans on this planet.
    Meetings, conferences, and talks are being regularly held about this matter at national and international levels but until more practical thrust is given at the ground level we cannot hope much progress.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779303
    Global warming is not only about temperature increase but there is more to it.
    An increase in temperature will force the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic areas to melt down and that would increase the sea levels. Rise in sea levels will inundate large land areas creating problems of all sorts. This would further create Earth crust balance problems leading to compression and extension of crust plates resulting in tectonic movements. These movements bring earthquakes and sometimes can open vents for the lava flow as happens in valcanose.
    So, problems would multiply if global warming trend is not arrested in time.

    Knowledge is power.

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