Happy Mother's day to all mothers on this site
Mother is a special person to all of us on this earth. If we get hurt anytime for any reason we remember her only but not anybody else. She takes care of us during our childhood and takes all pains to keep us happy and comfortable. She never eats without seeing that we are not hungry. She will be the last person in the house after seeing all in the house are satisfied. Our Hindu culture gives a lot of respect to mothers. We treat our parents as Gods that are visible on this earth. Matrudevo Bhava, Pitrudevobhava Achrayadevo Bhava and Atidhidevo Bhava. This is what our culture says and first place is given to Mother.Today we are all celebrating Mother's day. My salutations to my mother and all other mothers on this earth. Happy mother's day to all the mothers on this site.