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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    There should be a national policy for providing freebies or facilities to the poor people

    In some states in our country the political party in power is making the citizens happy by giving them various facilities like free bus ride, free electricity or subsidised rates, cash incentives to BPL persons, and many more such things. These freebies or facilities are different from one state to another. Central Govt also extends various welfare measures and facilities to poor and needy on national basis.
    There is nothing wrong in providing facilities to poor and needy in our country but if there is variation from one state to another then it would not be a healthy thing in the sense that in some states people will feel deprived of those facilities and conflicts would arise.
    In my opinion there should be a national policy for giving any subsidy or freebies to the poor class of the society and states should not be allowed to go beyond that.
    What is your opinion about this?
  • #779332
    Instead of distributing freebies, employment should be generated at all levels so that the youths can earn a respectable income. Such an arrangement would curb the need for freebies distributed by various parties. Such a type of donation makes people lazy and at all costs, this needs to be discouraged.

  • #779335
    In fact. I say giving freebies should be as minimum as possible. Freebies should be for the people who are not able to have food to sustain. But free bus rides. Free power etc should not be extended.
    The governments are doing these gimmicks to get votes and win in the elections. On one hand they are giving freebies and on the other hand they are increasing taxes. The money of us only getting distributed. No MP or no MLA is bringing money from his home and paying the poor.
    The governments should increase the ways and means to earn money for the people. They can give financial aid to poor irrespective of their caste and religion. Then only we can say that equal chances are being given to all. Meals at a nominal cost can be provided by governments so that we will not see any deaths due to starvation.
    If we go on giving many freebies people will become lazy and nobody will be ready to work
    However, the suggestion made by the author is good if implemented . A common policy can be made by the central government so that all states will follow the same.

    always confident

  • #779336
    Yes. there should be some real re assessment and re-organizing of help and welfare schemes n this country. The ultimate aim should be the really deserving ONLY should get it. The welfare schemes and support should be such that t should not discourage hard work and should not encourage dishonesty and deceit.

    Who will bell the cat? After all it is not own money the political leaders are offering as freebies.

    Who will not like to have freebies? If you really go deep and analyse, i may be just a minor fraction of the citizen who are not getting any direct freebies. A good part of those who get freebies actually do not deserve such free doles. And the very sad or ironic thing is that some who are genuinely in need are not getting such help or doles due to some illogical statutes and practices.

    A thorough overhaul in all welfare schemes and support schemes is needed to enable conserve scarce resources and to avoid discrimination among the equally deserving. All those schemes should be with a time limitation to ensure the beneficiaries becoming self dependent as early as possible.

  • #779342
    I am not in favour of any freebies to people of any state because it makes them loyal to the political party which is administrating in that state and would take advantage and certainly get it in the next elections.
    Central Govt should make laws in this regard prohibiting states to reduce electric charges, water charges, property tax or anything of that sort.
    However, based on the poverty levels of people, Govt can give any help which is reasonable and possible within the Govt revenue collection.
    There is no free lunch in this world and any such offer by any state Govt to the gullible voters should be considered illegal and should be taken seriously by Central Govt.
    If proper laws are formulated in this regard and Central Govt is strict then things would improve.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779366
    Yes, I agree that there is a political angle also in this matter especially when the state Govt belongs to a different political party than that of Central Govt. It is possible that to gain cheap popularity and woo the voters the state Govt might announce freebies beyond logic and that might also affect the state Govt exchequer adversely. In some cases the state Govt would turn to Central Govt for release of special funds to mitigate the financial crises. If that happens then it is not a healthy situation.
    As Venkiteswaran has rightly pointed out in his response about revamping of announcing any subsidies or freebies, I also strongly feel that Central Govt should take this very seriously irrespective of which party is in power in the states. If we do not address this anamoly then it would create political rift and harm the national integrity and unity. The citizens of the state should also understand the hidden bad financial times behind those short range political steps taken by state Govt.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779368
    Unfortunately, the political scenario in India today has completely changed and everyone wants to come to power or retain his power by virtue of providing ' freebies' to those who are below the poverty line and various sections of the people who are in need. While determining these factors, there is no proper mechanism and complaints arise from some corners that the main beneficiaries are those who are ruling party sympathizers. Thus political parties are consolidating their solid vote bank for their next election. While the opposition makes a huge cry about such 'freebies' as if they are detrimental to the growth of the society and a hinderance to the development and sometimes they claim that the situation may worsen than that happened in Sri Lanka. The same political parties will announce better freebies in their Election Manifesto to fight against the ruling party in the next election.

    Thus, every political party are in a state of compulsion and bound to continue such schemes. The difference is that these leaders think that they are doing the right thing and their opponents otherwise, since they are political intellectuals who know how to develop the state/country. This is a mere fact as none can properly justify their stand and 'Middle Class people are main losers in every election. Therefore, I strongly believe that there should be specific guidelines given to all states and should also be followed by the Union Govt to put a check on the excessive political commitments. Banks also should not allow to draw loans more than the required quantum for such activities.


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