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This thread is the co-winner of a Special Prize in the Thread of the Fortnight contest- 16th to 31st May '24.
  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Can't a person survive without religion?

    In this world there are a number of religions, cultures, and societies. We generally assess a person by his religion. If someone says that he has no religion then we stare at him with surprise. Most of the people would not digest the idea of having no religion. For many people their religion and culture means a lot and they identify themselves with that only. They cannot think of a life without religion or culture.
    Is it necessary to adhere to a particular religion or culture? Can't a person survive without it? Will he be isolated in the society if he does not follow it? What are your views on it?
  • #779489
    There is no relation between religion and a person's survival. We know many atheists who never believe in God and religion. They are all surviving like God-fearing people. So religion need not be there for survival. Religion, caste and creed are made by human beings. People adopt the religion they like or they continue in the religion to which their parents and forefathers belong. God created us and we created religion. Religion is a way of life and our parents tell us about this and further, we learn from books and other sources of information.
    To survive we require oxygen, water and food. Once these three are there on the earth human beings survive. All other issues will come after that only. These systems were created by some of our forefathers who wanted to maintain a systematic life by bringing in some discipline in our lives as all in society should be able to continue their living without any hurdles.

    always confident

  • #779492
    Dr Rao, appreciate your quick response. My post was basically to examine the recognition and importance of people when they voluntarily disconnect from their religion and culture. I was not meaning the physical survival like food, water etc.
    Anyway, my apprehension is that if a person is not adhering to the religious or cultural things then society (especially the society to which he belonged) might not give him the respect or due importance as others would be getting. I also believe that some people might be apparently seem to be believing in the religion only due to such fears. Internally they are not interested in that due to their rational and logical minds.
    In that context it emerges that if a person is ignored or cornered by his erstwhile society then in future he may feel that isolation and may also feel hurt.
    Hope it makes my post more clear.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779498
    As per my understanding in the matter, for a common person who cares for the society where he lives as well as observes its traditions and rituals, believing in religion is a normal thing. He is grown up in that environment and cannot accept that religion and traditions are not existing. His life would be a void without those things and he will never disown that. In fact many find solace and pass their time in those activities happily and even motivate others to do it.
    Coming to a bold, rational, and logical person, such a person might not follow the religion and not only his religion but any religion in the world. There are such people in the world and they remain away from any such activity which would stamp on them as a religious person.
    Many young people today are like that and they do not participate in any religious activities.
    Actually believing and following in a religion is a personal choice and if one can remain happy without adhering to religion and bold enough to tolerate the comments of the society fellows then there is no problem at all. It simply depends on one's attitude and one can survive without those indulgences.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779505
    There is no resemblance between the beliefs of a religion and our lives. For survival, we need to have foods containg enough nutrients air to breathe in and drinkable water. Work is necessary to pull on lives since earnings can provide us happiness and our families.
    Whatever, religion we follow, it is not a problem to society since religion is a kind of belief promoting us a way of strengthening of our relationships with all. Though we, sometimes, become critical of other religions for nothing as we don't take other religions in a boarder concept.

  • #779506
    Religion is a personal choice. This will decide the way of life of a person. But these days irrespective of religion and caste everybody is behaving in the same way in this society. A Hindu religion person goes to other countries and follows the systems there and still, he will continue to be a Hindu only. The same is the case with other religions. Individuals' behaviour and conduct only will bring value to him but not the religion. A true human being should never ask for the religion of the other person when the other person requires some help. So there is no relation between religion and survival, I feel.
    always confident

  • #779516
    Let me put the question in another way. Does anyone gain respect or recognition or does anyone survive merely because he has a religion? I don't think so.

    Religion and religious beliefs are human creations that have been given various forms and traditions and cultures have been built upon it for different purposes, some positive and some negative. Positive in the sense that following a religion connects him to the supernatural power and that provides him solace and strength, though whether it is illusory or not is still a subject of debate. Negative in the sense that it has led to division of humanity into different fragments and has created different castes and creeds which have been the handiwork of a few who wanted to show that they are the closest ones to the Supreme power.

    Religion, as Dr Rao has said, is merely a way of life and it molds you into a form that keeps you in a group that has similar beliefs and culture. It is not a requirement for one to survive or to be recognized. You survive and you get recognized based on your efforts and merits.

    Let religion remain religion. It is neither air, water nor food. Follow it if you feel like or don't follow. It is individual choice, and one cannot be forced to follow one religion or the other.

    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #779518
    Interesting responses by the members are pouring in and what I could gather is that for some people religion might be a very important thing in their lives but there are others who do not believe in it and do not require any such support in their lives.
    So, there seems no link between the religion and one's respect and importance in the society. If a person observes some religion then it is entirely his or her personal matter.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779523
    A person can definitely survive if he has learnt the techniques of being happy and letting go off his or her ill thoughts. It is not religion but our own thoughts give happiness. Religion is something that states about righteousness and power of divinity. Some people believe in super power while some do not. Nobody can change people's thoughts. To survive we should learn to control our mind. Our mind itself is a divine power as it exists but is not visible. Good thoughts are only magic that give rise to good results in life.

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