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    When we forgive others we become more balanced in life

    We always believe that we are right. But we are wrong at times as well. One of these relates to our quality of judging others and also base our behavior and reactions on that judgement.

    Yet, when reality hits us hard we tend to repent for our mistakes. This may happen when anyone in the family is seriously sick or something similar. When we realize the magnitude of this current problem, our official problems look silly. We then possibly make amends by creating more understanding with the person involved. We even forgive them for their mistakes.

    By doing so, we realize the other and most important aspect of life. The vital balance in our life leads us to more moments of happiness helps us to move on. In fact, this is precisely why those who care and share have too many such moments in life.

    So, let us forgive others and achieve more balanced lives.
  • #779572
    Forgiveness is a great virtue. Some people have it and they know how to forgive others. On the other hand there are people who become agitated on small matters and are always ready to fight and hit back on others. That leads to a series of offences and counter-offences bringing bitterness in the relations and leads to long time enmity between people.
    Forgiveness does not mean to facilitate others to attack more. A person who is forgiving must make the offender to understand that though he did an offence but it is not being entertained and would do harm to the offender more than that of the recipient. If the offender comes to know that he was forgiven then forgiveness completes its cycle.
    Fighting back or revenge is the most common and easiest thing in our lives but learning the art of forgiveness requires patience and wisdom.
    Another important thing is that we should forgive but not forget because a habitual offender will repeat his actions offending others. By remembering it, one can take safeguards and remedial measures to keep away from such offenders.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #779578
    Forgiveness is a Godly attitude. But even God will have a limit. Lord Krishna ignored the mistakes of Sispula 100 times. Then he lost his cool and once he committed the 101st mistake he was punished. This proves that there will be a limit to forgiveness also. As human beings how many times we can forgive a person if he is doing time and again the same mistake and hurting us?
    We should forgive the mistakes of others. At the same time, we should see that the other person will understand his mistake. Otherwise, he will be doing the same thing again and again. We can forgive once or twice, but the other person is not realising his mistakes, he should be taught a lesson. I know a very arrogant driver. He used to misbehave with senior officers in his organisation. His boss tolerated the same for a long time. But no change is observed. So what his boss did is that he sold the company vehicle and a vehicle was taken on rent with the driver and the same was used in the company and there was no job for the company driver. This driver was asked to work in the process plant but he could not get accustomed there and he resigned.

    always confident

  • #779604
    In Indian ancient scriptures the attribute of forgiveness is given a very high rank and there are umpteen number of examples in those narrations. At the same time it is also mentioned that bad elements in the society are to be punished and are to be nipped into the bud.
    That logic stands today also as we forgive people for many small mistakes or bad behaviour etc but if some people are harming the society or destroying the national property or are engaging in drug trafficking or terrorist activities then there is no excuse for such acts and these persons are to be severely punished. No citizen should protect such bad elements even if they are his own family members.
    If we all understand this crucial distinction between when to forgive and when to punish then that is the true spirit of forgiveness and will provide us long lasting solace and calm in our lives.
    Blindly forgiving people for whatever they do is disastrous for the society and is not to be followed by anyone or the governing authorities.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #779612
    Forgiveness is a great virtue and possession of this quality makes a man great. This virtue can be applied to all relatives close to us. Its impact will be seen in the long-term horizon. It might create a positive impact on the relatives concerned or otherwise. Why I have added otherwise is that the concerned man might construe the same as our weakness.
    However, there is a limit to extending such a concession, doing the same every moment on our part will be taken as foolishness by the other party. We need to make this thing clear to our relatives that they should not be repeaters always of such mistakes.

  • #779617
    Forgiving others is really a task one as it should come out from deep mind. Once we forgive others immediately our mind vacate their mistakes and thereby our mind become calm from the irritation on such mistakes/worries.

  • #779618
    I think the point here is not about forgiving but of realizing the hollowness of something that we considered to be serious or important when we face a situation that is graver. To cite a simple example, we may chide someone at home for a petty thing like not opening the door quickly after ringing the bell. Then you go to your office and call for the attendant and he comes only after repeated calls. You have limits in rebuking him and you just ask him why he was late. In this situation, you may suddenly remember the incident at home and may repent that you have overdone yourself. But will this realization help? It will, only if you remember the office incident and recollect how you coolly managed the situation when you face a similar situation at home again. That is how you will learn to balance your emotions.

    The author is right when he says that we can be happy and also make others happy if we try to balance and control our emotions and stay calm and composed as much as possible (because everything has an acceptable limit).

    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #779627
    In any situation, if we can keep our cool and control our emotions, we will be happy. But all will not have the same level of control. As explained by Saji. many of us vent our stress by shouting at somebody in the house as we can't do it in the office. But we can show our unhappiness even in the office indirectly and when a chance comes for us. Keeping ourselves out of stress and anger is good for our health.
    always confident

  • #779630
    Are we equating tolerance and forgiveness in any way? If somebody does something wrong and if you do not say anything to the person then you are just tolerating it and unless the person realizes the mistake you can rest assured that the wrong will be repeated. In such cases, you need to communicate with the person in some way so that she/he realizes it's wrong.

    Now let's come to forgiveness. It is essentially removing the scar from your mind and has got to do nothing with the other person whom you think you have forgiven. Let me provide an example to help you understand. Suppose, someone hurts you badly and that creates a lot of trouble for you. I am sure when you remember the person or the incident it will hurt you and make you agitated which, however, will not affect the other person, who hurt you, in any way. When you feel agitated you will not be able to maintain your cool and all your activities will be affected during the entire period. Forgiveness is that quality that will help you to accept the situation and the person so that you remain unaffected even if you meet the other person behind your agitation. If you are unable to accept it you will be the sufferer. You need to train your mind to accept the situation and move on with a bit of extra alertness and precaution so that such incidents are not repeated.


    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #779638
    Mr Bhattacharya, whatever you have described is exactly what I intended to convey as well.

    It is indeed very difficult to get over such tense situations, but if we develop a sort of philosophical mind and empty all the bitterness by developing new relationships with others and even trying to behave so normally with the concerned people, the world will become a far better place to live in.
    Alongside this, we perhaps have to accept good people irrespective of their small weaknesses. For example, close relatives within our family may not appreciate too many questions about personal affairs from a very close neighbour, in a township environment. It is just that the relationship with the neighbour has already crossed all limits of normal friendship. Encouraged by the kind of reception and affection that she is getting from us, she would ask several personal questions from our close relatives.

    We might be reprimanded for having treated the neighbor as a part of family. But we need someone who can be trusted to keep a watch on our in our absence and manage everything. We would have been emotionally attached to the neighbour.

    Now, in this Catch 22 situation, it is fine to move on and allow the neighbour to be what she is. Not everyone is like her. We need to understand this.

    We we start doing this, we will have a positive move on and life will become more interesting.

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