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    Why should we not have private buses in metro cities?

    As a rule, in almost every State, in the rather big cities and the metros, the buses that connect various parts of the particular city are always in the hands of the Government. Even in Chennai.

    The precise point is that in every other city in Tamil Nadu, we have private buses on almost every route and they collect the same or lesser fares when compared to the Government buses. And since the public happily accept them, there is no issues. In the city of Coimbatore, the private buses are as good, or better, than the Govt buses.

    The State Government is already burdened with financing the growing cost of the new metro routes. The metro, as such is booming. The Govt is unable to bear the losses of the Government transport vehicles. There is a move to introduce private buses. But the trade unions are up in arms.

    Why not have private buses in each metro?
  • #779730
    In Andhra Pradesh also in some cities, only private city buses will only operate. In those cities, there are no government city buses. In these places, the bus rates are on par with government rates and buses are good. But in cities like Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam only government city buses are running. There are no private services. There are many private buses connecting cities where the journey is an overnight journey. There are private buses from almost all cities of Andhra Pradesh to Hyderabad. The time of the journey will be less than 12 hours. In these routes, both government as well as private services will be running.
    There is nothing wrong in giving city services in metros also to private operators. I don't know why it was not considered. I feel probably private operators may not be showing interest in these services. Otherwise, they might have got it by lobbying in political circles.

    always confident

  • #779736
    The private business aim at maximum profit at minimum cost. Metro transport bus operations may not be that much profitable for them. Otherwise there would have ben so many clamoring and demand coming., Now that different sections are getting concession or free rides, it will be further more discouraging.
    In another perspective, when private buses are allowed it will slowly become headache a they will tend to become monopoly and pressure tactics, defeating the main aim with which it was allowed. Earlier private buses were allowed i many metros, but discontinued due to various problems to public and government.

  • #779742
    Private buses still rule the roost, I mean the roads, in Kolkata and it has been so ever since I have known the city as a child. There are government buses that ply the city roads but they are too far and few between. Private buses are the all too popular mode of travel in this eastern city. There are private mini buses as well. However, as is expected these private bus operators do not always play by the rules. There is fierce competition between the operators to seek ridership, which in turn leads to instances of rash driving and overcrowding of the buses. In this respect, the government owned buses are far more comfortable and safe, but alas, there aren't too many of them.

    For a city like Hyderabad, where I live, it is impossible for private buses to survive as a city service. Especially more, in the present circumstances where women bus commuters do not have to pay a single paisa for their travel. Even otherwise, buses in Hyderabad do not have too many passengers, as many commuters in this city prefer to travel by their own means, share autos or at the best travel by metro. Private bus operators are more likely to thrive in metros like Kolkata where most of the commuters use public transport for their daily travel and there is a large number of commuters as well. Sadly, free bus travel in Hyderabad has affected the ridership of the metro services, which was otherwise an environment friendly mode of transportation, compared to the city buses, which have been polluting the city air with their diesel fumes.

    Patience and perseverance pays

  • #779775
    In many states the state Govt is giving concessions in Govt bus tickets and that is making the survival of private buses in those routes a big challenge.
    Moreover in some places there area number of Govt buses plying between the various points and there appears no scope for the private buses. Still private buses are operating in niche areas using innovative techniques like picking the commuters from a point and leaving at another point. In Mumbai some private buses are taking the office goers like that and getting popular but the fair is on the higher side and only a few people can afford that.
    The state Govt will happily give permission to the private operators if the Govt buses are not sufficient to meet the demand.
    In some places a mix of both is seen but the problem is too many buses create traffic blocks also at times.

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