Why should we not have private buses in metro cities?
As a rule, in almost every State, in the rather big cities and the metros, the buses that connect various parts of the particular city are always in the hands of the Government. Even in Chennai.The precise point is that in every other city in Tamil Nadu, we have private buses on almost every route and they collect the same or lesser fares when compared to the Government buses. And since the public happily accept them, there is no issues. In the city of Coimbatore, the private buses are as good, or better, than the Govt buses.
The State Government is already burdened with financing the growing cost of the new metro routes. The metro, as such is booming. The Govt is unable to bear the losses of the Government transport vehicles. There is a move to introduce private buses. But the trade unions are up in arms.
Why not have private buses in each metro?