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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    No one knows why and how this extraordinary thing happened

    In the state of Gujarat, there is a small village named Antoli. The villagers living in this village have witnessed an extraordinary friendship.

    A young leopard would come from the wild to seek the company of a domesticated cow. The unusual pair of a wild leopard and domesticated cow would enjoy each other's company most of the night. A very unusual friendship developed, in which somehow both found comfort.

    As an audience developed, the wild cat, afraid of humans, decreased the frequency of its visits and ultimately, such nocturnal visits stopped. No one knows why the cat reached out or why the cow was so comfortable around it.

    (Some photographs of this unusual friendship are also available.
  • #779980
    A photograph of this unusual friendship:
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

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  • #779983
    In the animal world there are instances like that. In most of such cases generally it is the young cub or young offspring of the animal which seeks love and affection from another animal not belonging to its species.
    This example is a rare example of affection given by the cow on that leopard or young leopard whatever the case may be.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #780008
    Some animals behave peculiarly and we never know the reasons for the same. We all know that Lions are the kings of the forest and no other animal can dominate it. But we all read about the friendship between a lion and an ox in Mithra Labham part of Panchatantrata written by Paravastu Suri. Generally, no animal can make a good friendship with a lion. Like this, we hear many stories about animals. But what made to behave is an innocent oath
    The example mentioned by the author is something that happened and is quite astonishing. Maybe there is some relation between then in their previous births and they may be reflected in the behaviour of both in their present life.
    There may be a relation between the two mentioned by the author in their previous birth. They might have still those days in their mind and when they meet each other their friendship may encourage them to be friendly in this life also.

    always confident

  • #780018
    Once I was walking in the morning time and moving ahead on the road near a temple. Just on the pavement near the temple I saw a bitch and when I went near I saw a kitten sucking milk from the bitch. It was a strange sight. I had never seen such a thing. I became curious and asked the temple priest about it and he told us that it was a stray bitch and was very kind hearted and did not distinguish between her puppy and kitten.
    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #780047
    The photograph attached by Partha Sir is an indication of how affection can develop between the two spices of the opposite two. It indicates that love is an essential element to nurture relationships. Maybe the young cub is not aware of the enmity between the two animals and as such the cub has come in close contact with the cow.
    The picture indicates that love is the essence of life irrespective of enmity between the creatures.

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