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This thread is the co-winner of a special prize in the Thread of the Fortnight contest for the period 16th to 30th June '24.
  • Category: Creative Writing

    Theme: "Help me.----Her smile screamed"

    In the palatial building in a posh locality of the city, Payel prepared tea, her hands trembling. Her husband's angry words from the night before echoed in her mind. She carried the tray to the living room, where her in-laws sat, discussing family matters. Her husband glanced at her, his gaze a warning. Her bangles hid the marks on her wrists, the bruises on her back were hidden by her sari. She served tea with practiced grace, her heart pounding.

    Her neighbour, Ranjana, entered the living room for some work. Ranjana noticed Payel's forced smile and the flicker of fear in her eyes. "Help me." Her smile screamed, but her lips remained silent. Payel squeezed Ranjana's fingers, a silent cry for help. Ranjana nodded subtly, fully understanding. While leaving, she whispered, "I will be back tonight." Payel's heart swelled with hope, knowing she wasn't alone.

    At night, Ranjana again entered the palatial building; but this time she was not alone. The members of the Prevention of Cruelty Against Women accompanied her.
  • #780259
    A creatively written satire presented by the author. This is a story but in real life we have such situations where the master of the house behaves cruelly with the women folk. The problem with some of the women is that they have no alternative except bear the brunt of the behaviour of their husband.
    Slowly such cases are becoming less in numbers but the high handedness of men is still evident in such cases.
    Women who are financially independent and do a job generally would not tolerate such untoward behaviour and seek separation. We have seen many such cases where women took bold decisions and had their own lives separately.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #780261
    We have heard about many incidents in the earlier days. There was no financial freedom for the majority of females. They were forced to keep silent and stick to kitchens only. Those days there was no help or protection from the government either My grandmother ( My father's mother suffered a lot, I was told). But slowly we saw a change and these days ladies have equal rights and the government also made many acts to protect their interests. But even today we can't say that there are no such incidents. There may be a few, most of which are in rural India. Many of the ladies in rural areas are not aware of the support they get from the government. In some poor families, males will get habituated to drinking and they will create problems for the ladies in their families. Women's rights protection wings should concentrate more on rural areas and bring awareness among these ladies so that in case of any necessity they may approach the concerned agencies for necessary help.
    My appreciation to the author for his nice presentation.

    always confident

  • #780265
    An interesting depiction of atrocity by men on women. Earlier, worldwide it was a phenomenon in many societies that men treated their wives in that way. In some societies it was considered a normal thing and the sentiments and emotions of the women were ignored.
    This pattern is much changed with time and due to education and modernisation in the societies such incidents have lessened significantly.
    Still, we hear these things happening and the dependent women have to succumb to these pressures.
    It is to be noted that in modern society most of the men do not have that trait and are cordial to their wives.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #780267
    We normally think that a well-educated person would behave decently but this does not happen always. There are lots of couples working as technocrats, professors, engineers and other respected jobs but they can behave rudely with their life - partners. They think that his wife will always remain calm despite he creates trouble. He often slaps her and talks bluntly in the presence of the family - members.,
    It is very surprising that she tolerates all such nuisances though she is well mannered and educated. Such instances are mostly occurring in Hindu Families. We have to go a long way to reverse such a ghastly practice. Happiness in a family cannot exist unless the husbands don't change their temperament.

  • #780268
    Jha Sir has stated: "Such instances are mostly occurring in Hindu Families."------------Sir, Doesn't it happen in other communities? My experience is totally different.

    Now, let me tell you how I wrote this story. I always watch the adult-comedy serial "Bhaviji Ghar Par Hain". Nowadays, I am watching the latest episodes where a couple is shooting a short film on domestic violence. But, the neighbours watch the scene from their window/balcony without understanding that a shooting is going on, report this matter to the police. And it is pure comedy.

    While watching this pure comedy, I developed this serious plot.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #780270
    Thank you Parha Sir for your interesting revelation. Your interpretation soothed my nerves.

  • #780273
    My observation about such incidents is that in rural areas in poor families, chances are higher. It is not specific to any one religion. But compared to other religions it is a little less in Hindu families.
    always confident

  • #780279
    The problem of high handedness of the male member is present in many societies and groups and it would be unfair to attribute it to a particular religion. What we are discussing is the general tendency of some males to dominate the females. It is also true that it has significantly come down with time but even if it is present in some cases means that some men are still having the old notion of treating the women.
    This mindset has to changed in every society and women should get the respect they deserve.

    Knowledge is power.

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