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This thread is the co-winner of a special prize in the Thread of the Fortnight contest for the period 16th to 30th June '24.
  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Fighting with someone is not the end of relationship

    Many times it so happens that we have conflicts and confrontations with our friend or relative or a colleague or a neighbour and sometimes it takes an ugly shape and both the sides become angry to the extent that we even stop talking to each other.
    In some cases, it becomes an end of the relationship. The point is that we have such incidents in our lives but if we take them so seriously then we are going to have no relationships with so many people with whom we happen to confront or fight. Is it not better to mend these relations and start talking and make a new relationship with that person? We should not be led away by our ego in such cases and take opportunity in resolving the issues rather than ending the relationship. What do you think about it? What are your experiences in this regard?
  • #780430
    That is true. Sometimes when we quarrel, we go to such an extent that we never like to see each other. But if both the parties involved forget the differences and try to come near they can become friends.
    During my high school, I had a big fight with a classmate. We stopped talking to each other. We parted from the school. He became a government teacher and I came out of the village and settled in Hyderabad. Oneday I got his phone number and I contacted him and told him that we could become friends now. He also expressed his happiness and now daily we will contact each other on WhatsApp.
    In my opinion, we should try to maintain good relations with others. Sometimes some differences will come. We should take them as issue-based but not personally. But if the second party is not ready to ignore such situations even though we try there may not be any use and we can't become friends by forgetting our enmity. It all depends on the two parties involved in the issue.

    always confident

  • #780438
    Many times when we fight with a person then it is for a small time and soon both or one of us control on oneself and fighting comes to an end.
    The problem comes when both the sides are adamant and do not want to compromise to any extent. In such cases the fighting continues and in some cases the relations are lost.
    Some people have more tendency for aggression and conflict and they do not go for resolution. If both the sides are like that then result is disastrous and relations are affected.
    It is good to see that there are patient and gentle people who avoid conflicts and even if someone offends them they took it sportingly and manage to avoid confrontations.
    Hats off to these good people due to whom the instances of conflicts are reduced significantly.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #780465
    Not necessarily, a fight between the two persons will result in the termination of the relationship, if both persons are mature having a different way of analysing the issues, they can sort out matters amicably. However, it might not prove that the decision will always be in the same manner. We have seen many people arguing beside the road, they fight vigorously and as a result one of the fighters very often slaps the other party in a fit of anger. Both the parties are not known to each other but we can witness such an ugly scene.
    We can safely conclude that a relationship between the two mature people does not end so easily despite the differences. They believe in analysing the issues from a right perspective.

  • #780469
    The author is correct. Quarrel or arguments are basically arise out of misunderstanding or difference of opinion or dejection. Everything based on the mentality of either or both the persons. But if the arguments are exceeding the limit, in many cases it leads to fighting. Though it is nature, the control should be there in either side. Otherwise the fighting will end in tragedy. In many parts the killing or cutting hands or legs etc., are becoming common due to this type of quarrel. The major factor of such incidents are ego which should go from every mind.
    It is seen in many places the fighting or quarreling ends in murder level too. Everything will happen in a fraction of second. Unless we do not control or keep our heart in calm it is meaningless in worrying later, that is after committing crime. By sitting in prison we cannot seek pardon from anyone.

  • #780472
    Fights happen everywhere whether it is verbal fight or physical fight people usually take personal potshots at each other. Fights where people make personal comments don't resolve easily. Hence, it is better to not say anything that hurts very badly because such things remain in memory forever. Human relationships are very delicate and once it goes sour it will be difficult to revert back to the original. The only way one can avoid such situation is to remain calm and be selective while saying anything when angry.
    Thanks and regards.

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