Accepting our limitations helps in mitigating setbacks or failures in our lives
While moving ahead in the journey of life we undertake many activities as per our ambitions and circumstance. We aspire for many things however difficult it might be to do them. We work, we struggle, we enjoy the good, and feel sad about the bad things and that is the way the life proceeds.Many times it so happens that there are setbacks and failures and we get demotivated and discouraged and feel ourselves helpless and devastated. It is all part of our lives.
More we expect and more we desire, more we get affected in case of failures and other negative things in our lives. The question is how to cope up with these situations. One thing that comes to my mind is
that we must understand and analyse our shortcomings and limitations and relate it to the results obtained. If we do that then we
would be quickly out of the effect of many such situations of failures in our lives. Do you also feel so? What are your thoughts on this?