Solutions we can get from any type of people
In one car manufacturing company a fresh graduate joined as a trainee and got elevated as a supervisor in two years through his interest in the work. He one day approached his manager with a suggestion of some changes in the car model they are making. Manager agreed his suggestion and take up that matter to Chief of the company. Chief called both the engineer and manager and told the manager to permit the engineer himself to prepare a car according to his suggestion. The with much joy made a car as he dreamt. By seeing the new model car Chief and all others overwhelmed. When they move the car out for trial run, the car found little height and so it was very difficult to move out without any scratch. Every one suggested differently but went vein.Either to demolish the entrance height or move out with scratches. At that time the aged watchman approached the chief as have a solution. Every one saw him differently and start saying what he could say over the educated officials. Chief permitted him to tell his suggestion. He replied,'Sir the height difference is only one inch. We can remove air from 4wheels and when taken out we can fill the air.' Everybody clapped.