Are Science and Technology playing a harmful role in human suffering?
Advances in science and technology have resulted in many innovations. Many innovations helped the human race improve their lifestyle and life expectancy. Be it health, education, communication, or in many other areas, it has helped the human race. Some of the innovations like armaments, and chemicals used by unscrupulous countries on other countries to kill many people including children. The so-called advanced countries along with giant technical companies are a part of this mass destruction.The ongoing wars between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine are causing humans to suffer for no fault of theirs. Science, Technology, and Engineering are the main culprits in the innovation of destructive weapons. Scientists and Engineers working on developing and producing these weapons should think about the consequences of their work. Science and Technology should be used for the betterment of humans, not for destruction.
The above sentiments were expressed by one Dhananjay Balakrishnan, a post-graduate in engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai while receiving the Gonernor's Medal. I agree that all the people working in various organizations should always be wary of the consequences of what they are doing.