Some Parents are more inclined towards daughters than sons
I am observing some parents who are in their 60s and 70s. They show much interest towards their daughters more than their sons. In earlier days the communication between a daughter and her parents was very limited as there were no mobile phones and only letter writing was the only mode to be in touch with them. These days the situation is different. Communication is very fast. So parents try to contact their daughters on a day-to-day basis but they never try to contact sons or their spouses. They say the son has to make a call and enquire about their well-being.I have come across some parents who are staying in their oldage with their son and his family. They are well-taken care of by son as well as their daughter-in-law. But parents try to find some or the other fault with their daughter-in-law. Mothers-in -law show a lot of discrimination. I fail to understand the reasons for this behaviour. Mother, daughter and daughter-in-law are females only. Even then why this discrimination? This is my observation of late. If I am wrong I may be excused.