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  • Category: Festivals

    Festival greetings to all!

    Today we celebrate different festivals like Pongal, Sankranti, Magh Bihu, Pedda Panduya, Shishur Sankraat, Uttarayan, Kicheri, Lohri, etc. across India. On this auspicious day, I extend my greetings to all members and their families. May the blessings of the Almighty bring all of us lots of happiness, good health, peace and prosperity.
  • #782598
    Wishing everyone a great harvest festival with joyous moments of caring and sharing across all communities, good health and prosperity.
    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #782600
    My best wishes to all the members of Indiastudychannel on the occasion of Makara Sankranti. Today is the second day of the three-day festival, and today, we will enter Uttarayana Punyakalam.
    always confident

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