1.Its been around 10 years since Endosulfan was found to be harming the people, rather killing, No alternative yet, how come.....???
2.In 2002 there were 32 pesticides used in India which ere banned globally and now in 2011 number is 62.I dont know weather 121 crore are fed with these.......it is still a question to debate
3.70% of Endosulfan is produced in India, large revenue come by y this to the major chemical producers of the country, India is the biggest market for them. Kazargode is down in the south of the country,away from the capital and metros does that mean the people out there are not humane they dont have there rights, or what...??
Over the 10 years UPA, hasn't provided any compensation package, not yet rehabilitated
4.Endosulfan is a major pesticide used for cashew plantations, Govt got a export of 2500 crore cashew nut export every year. If govt act against Endosulfan it will effect the export Business .
5.M.S Swaminathan father of Green revolution in India, regrets his acts to introduce Chemicals in the agricultural flied. He laments on it now in 2011, he urging people to go back to the nature friendly agricultural pattern.
6.Watch the Malayalam News channel indiavision website you will get the video and report on the Endosulfan victims of Tamil Nadu.
It is a remote place, no one has extended a helping hand toward them, In kerala since the media are strong and people are keen to know whats happening around.That's how the menace of Endosulfan came out to the open, other wise it would have been buried in the darkness.
There will still more places in India were you can find the victims.
7.Food security is important as national security for the country, i saw some statements if Endosulfan is banned people will die of hunger.
You all will be well remembering the rotten food grains in Punjab, which grabbed national attention.
A govt concerned over food security should use the available resources effectively to maintain food security rather than Expecting a pesticide to bring about the food security in your country.
8.If 81 countries across the globe banned this seeing the effects of Endosulfan in Kerala, Why UPA is still making studies. Our prime minister may not be a part of the scams, but he is a silent partner of every crime in the govt level.
I dont know how can you justify Mr Jayram ramesh statement, asking for more proofs from different parts of the country
No wonder UPA, not taking any decisions, because most of the decisions concerning the country are not made in Indian parliament.
Take the case of Nuclear power plant at Jaythapur, the world is saying no to nuclear power, a country like were 70% of water resources are unused for production of power, they want nuclear power to produce electricity, it will only 0.7 % total energy that scarcity faced by India, cost much higher.
World most pollutant nuclear power plants are in India, still gong for more