iSmartsLab, Bhubneswar

Posted By: sujit kumar das    Member Level: Bronze

Gain experience through practical tasks aided by mentors, and open up the world of internships? Learn about iSmartLab which offers a range of courses in the field of IT, Digital Marketing, Spoken English and so on.

Name: iSmartsLab
Address: Plot No-114, Saheed Nagar
City: Bhubneswar
State: Odisha
Telephone Number: +916370503553

The software training centre and company iSmartsLab, with offices in Odisha, provides programming tutorials, software courses and digital marketing services.

Training Courses in iSmartsLab

React Js & Node Js
Fees:      Duration: 3-4 MONTHS
React Js is an open-source JavaScript package used to improve user interfaces, particularly for mobile applications. React Js allows upgrading any application, whether it runs on a mobile or web platform. The main advantage of using ReactJS in applications is the ability to reuse UI components. Students who take the React JS course at iSmartsLab will gain knowledge of each concept and be able to create web applications that update data without refreshing landing pages. This framework includes flexible and reliable highlights that can be compared and displayed in layouts.
View React JS Courses in Bhubneswar
Digital Marketing
Fees:      Duration: 3-4 MONTHS
Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing requires a new method of approaching clients and a new method of comprehending how customers behave. Digital marketing combines the use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and certain other avenues when attempting to contact clients. It is a cutting-edge kind of marketing that makes advantage of the internet. Marketing does not require us to go door to door and do business. Digital marketing allows us to conduct marketing from the comfort of our own homes. Modern platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Instagram are used for marketing via digital marketing.
View Digital Marketing Courses in Bhubneswar

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