ZP Kawardha Recruitment 308 Lecturers and Teachers job vacancy 2013 - Chhattisgarh Govt jobs

Are you looking for job openings in Jilla Panchayat Kawardha / Kabirdham or Government organization? Then find here Lecturers and Teachers job vacancies in ZP Kawardha. Get the latest recruitment from ZP Kawardha for Lecturers and Teachers job careers, check its official ads notification to know how to apply, application process and other detail about it. Find the latest Government jobs in India, and latest job openings from Jilla Panchayat Kawardha. Last date to reach application is on 20th Jul 2013.

Employer: Zilla Panchayat Kawardha

Address: Officer, Zilla Panchayat Kawardha, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

Email: N/A


Phone: Not Mentioned

Skills: Kindly refer the official notification given - multiple job vacancies

Experience: 1-5 years in related service field

Education: 12th Class / H.Sc with B.El.Ed, Any Degree with B.Ed, Qualify in TET

Job Location: Kawardha, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, CG, India, Across India, Anywhere in India   (View Jobs in Kawardha,   Jobs in Raipur,   Jobs in Chhattisgarh,   Jobs in CG,   Jobs in India,   Jobs in Across India,   Jobs in Anywhere in India)

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ZP Kawardha Recruitment 308 Lecturers and Teachers job vacancy 2013 - Chhattisgarh Govt jobs

Zilla Panchayat Kawardha Recruitment 2013 Lecturers and Teachers Panchayat for Gujarat State to join and work in Government organization as an employment opportunity. Applications are invited for the following post available from ZP Kawardha to fill up the vacancy for 2013-14.

You can find few Lecturers and Teachers vacancies in ZP Kawardha available for 308 posts for different discipline and locations across Chhattisgarh, India. Find the latest Government jobs in India and latest jobs in ZP Kawardha as well.

For more detail on how to apply, qualification, experience, age - relaxation, pay scale, and application format, kindly visit Zilla Panchayat Kawardha official site link at http://kawardha.nic.in/Notice2013/Panchayat/ShikshaKarmi/ZPKabirdham/Lect_Shik_Vigyapn.PDF

Career opportunity in ZP Kawardha / Kabirdham as follows;

Lecturers job vacancy in ZP Kawardha
Teachers job vacancy in ZP Kawardha

Total post: 308

Last date: 20th Jul 2013.

Note: You can get post detail at http://kawardha.nic.in/

About Employer

Zilla Panchayat Kawardha is under State Government of Chhattisgarh, India

Find more jobs: Government Jobs in India

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