Akal Academy, Dakra Sahib, Near Raipur Rani, Naraingarh vacancies of Teachers-English Maths Science

Akal Academy, Dakra Sahib, Near Raipur Rani, Naraingarh has issued advertisement in The Tribune Chandigarh dated 01.06.2015 P N 12 to fill the vacancies of Teachers - English, Maths, Science in Haryana. It is good chance to get job with Akal Academy and brighten your future. Learn eligibility criteria and appear for walk-in interview on 05.06.2015 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Employer: Akal Academy, Dakra Sahib

Address: Gurudwara Manji Sahib, Ambala City District Ambala

Email: hr.patiala@akalacademy.in

URL:Not provided / website link not provided in the job post

Phone: 85284-89406

Skills: Fluency in English

Experience: not required / mentioned in the job post

Education: Graduate

Job Location: Dakra Sahib, Naraingarh, Ambala, Haryana, India   (View Jobs in Dakra Sahib,   Jobs in Naraingarh,   Jobs in Ambala,   Jobs in Haryana,   Jobs in India)

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Akal Academy, Dakra Sahib, Near Raipur Rani, Naraingarh vacancies of Teachers-English Maths Science

Name of the Post: Teachers

Subjects: English, Maths, Science

Salary: Rs. 10000 - 15000/- per month and Transportation Facility from Ambala to AA Dakra Sahib.

Required Job Profile;

Candidate must possess graduation with fluency in English is must.

How to apply:

Eligible and interested candidates should need to appear for walk-in interview and test on 05.06.2015 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the above mentioned address.

Refer to The Tribune Chandigarh dated 01.06.2015 P N 12

About Employer

Akal Academy, Dakra Sahib, Near Raipur Rani, Naraingarh is coming under the Akal Academy group of institutes in the region.

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