Cochin International Airport Limited Recruitment. Job vacancy of Junior Assistants in CIAL, Kerala
Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL), Kerala invites application for the recruitment of Junior Assistant Grade-II Trainee and Junior Assistant Grade - III Trainee. Eligible candidates may apply online, latest by 31/01/2020.
Employer: CIAL
Address: Cochin International Airport Ltd. CIN: U63033KL1994PLC007803 Registered office: Room no.35, 4th floor, GCDA commercial complex, Marine Drive, Cochin-682 031
Phone: +91 484 2610115, +91 484 2610012
Skills: Not Specified
Experience: Not Specified
Education: Refer the details given in the description box
Job Location: Cochin (View Jobs in Cochin Jobs in Kerala)
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Cochin International Airport Limited Recruitment. Job vacancy of Junior Assistants in CIAL, Kerala
Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL), Kerala has advertised to fill the below-given vacancies. Details are given below.
Name of the Post
- Junior Assistant Grade-II
- Junior Assistant Grade-III
Number of Vacancies - 07 vacancies for each post (Total 14 vacancies)
Age Limit - Shall not exceed 25 years as on 31/01/2020.
Scale of Pay
- Junior Assistant Grade-II - Rs.23,000-3%-69,000
- Junior Assistant Grade-III - Rs.18,000-3%-48,500
Educational Qualification
- Junior Assistant Grade-II -
Graduation with 1st class in any Discipline (Full time course) - Junior Assistant Grade-III -
Full time 3 year Diploma in Electrical Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering with first class
How to Apply
- Interested candidates should visit the official website of the company for detailed notification
- Applicants should submit the application online.
- The guidelines for online registration/submission of applications are available on the website.
- Submission of application printout or hardcopy is not required.
- Eligible cadidates will be shortlisted and called for an interview
- Selected candidates may be posted in any of the departments of CIAL such as Security, Airport Operations, Duty Free Shop, Cargo etc
- Training period is normally for one year
Selected candidates will be offered a consolidated pay of Rs.17,500/- per month during the training period.
Important Dates to be Noted
Opening Date for online submission of Application - 08/01/2020
Closing Date for online submission of Application - 31/01/2020
Contact Details
Cochin International Airport Ltd.
CIN: U63033KL1994PLC007803
Registered office:
Room no.35, 4th floor,
GCDA commercial complex,
Marine Drive, Cochin-682 031
About Employer
Cochin International Airport is the first greenfield airport in the country built with public-private partnership
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