Managers vacancy at Central Medical Services Society (CMSS), New Delhi

Are you looking for a job in any reputed organisation? Central Medical Services Society (CMSS) is inviting applications from desirous candidates for various of Managers in various departments. Last date of asbmitting application form to CMSS is 10.01.2020.

Employer: CMSS

Address: Central Medical Services Society (CMSS) 2nd floor, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, 8, Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi-110021

Email: Not mentioned


Phone: 011-21410905/6

Skills: Refer description box for more detailed information

Experience: Refer description box for more detailed information

Education: Refer description box for more detailed information

Job Location: Delhi   (View Jobs in Delhi    Jobs in Delhi)

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Managers vacancy at Central Medical Services Society (CMSS), New Delhi

Central Medical Services Society (CMSS) is inviting applications from desirous candidates for below mentioned positions. Details of jobs are as follows:

Post Name & No. of posts:

1. Manager (Procurement)- 04 posts
Qualification: Any graduate/ B.Pharma/ B. Tech/ /MBA
Experience: 2 years
Knowledge of GeM, GFR
Knowledge of MS office

2. Manager(Information Technology)--01 post
Qualification: B.Tech (CS/IT)/ MCA
Experience: 2 years
Knowledge of GeM, GFR
Knowledge of MS office

3. Manager (Administration)-01 post
Qualification: MBA
Experience: 2 years
Knowledge of GeM, GFR
Knowledge of MS office

4. Manager (Quality Assurance)- 02 posts
Qualification: B.Pharma/ M.Pharma
Experience: 2 years
Knowledge of GeM, GFR
Knowledge of MS office

5. Manager (Logistic and Supply Chain)- 03 posts
Qualification: Any graduate/ B.Pharma/ B. Tech/ BCA/MCA/MBA
Experience: 2 years
Knowledge of GeM, GFR
Knowledge of MS office

6. Manager (Finance)- 02 posts
Qualification: B.Com/ MBA/ CA/ ICWA
Experience: 2 years
Knowledge of GeM, GFR
Knowledge of MS office, Tally

Age limit: Not exceeding 40 years

Salary: Rs.35,000/- PM (Consolidated)

Nature of job: Contractual

Contract duration: yearly renewable for 5 years

Annual increment: 55 on performance basis

How to apply for Job: Application is to be filed in the given proforma and sent to the CMSS along with the educational and experience certificates.

Address for sending application:
General Manager
Central Medical Services Society (CMSS)
2nd floor, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra,
8, Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi-110021

Last date of application: 10.01.2020

Advertisement No. CMSS/AN/174 dated 02.12.2019

Advertisement and application is available at:

About Employer

Central Medical Services Society (CMSS) was established in 2011. It was created as Central Procurement Agency (CPA) to streamline drug procurement and distribution system of Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Its main aim is to uninterrupted supply of health sector goods & services.

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