AIIMS, Nagpur Recruitment. Job vacancy of Principal, College of Nursing, Lecturer in Nursing

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Nagpur invites application for the recruitment of Principal, College of Nursing and Lecturer in Nursing. Qualified and interested candidates may apply online on or before 10/02/2020.

Employer: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur,

Address: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, Plot No. 2, Sector - 20, MIHAN, Nagpur, Pin: 441108



Phone: Not Specified

Skills: Not Specified

Experience: Refer the details given in the description box

Education: Refer the details given in the description box

Job Location: Nagpur   (View Jobs in Nagpur    Jobs in Maharashtra)

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AIIMS, Nagpur Recruitment. Job vacancy of Principal, College of Nursing, Lecturer in Nursing

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Nagpur has advertised to fill the following job vacancy positions. The eligibility criteria for the jobs are mentioned below.

Name of the Posts

  1. Principal, College of Nursing

  2. Lecturer in Nursing

Number of vacancies

  1. Principal, College of Nursing - 01 vacancy

  2. Lecturer in Nursing - 03 vacancies


  1. Principal, College of Nursing - 55 Years

  2. Lecturer in Nursing - 50 Years

Scale of Pay

  1. Principal, College of Nursing - Rs. 123100-215900/-

  2. Lecturer in Nursing - Rs.67700-208700/-

Application Fee -

Rs.1000/- (Application fee is exempted for person with disabilities.)

Educational Qualification

  1. Principal, College of Nursing -
    Applicants should have a Masters Degree in Nursing with advance specialization in nursing and must be a registered nurse and midwife

  2. Lecturer in Nursing -
    Applicants should have a Masters Degree in Nursing (M.Sc Nursing) and must be a registered nurse and midwife


  1. Principal, College of Nursing -

    Candidates have a minimum of 10 years experience in nursing

  2. Lecturer in Nursing -

    Candidates should have a total experience of 5 years, out of which 2 years of experience must be in teaching.

How to Apply

  • Applicants should read the notification clearly before filling the application form

  • Applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online by using AIIMS, Nagpur website

  • Application fees can be remitted online by Credit Card, Debit Card or Net banking

  • Applicants should submit, a hard copy of the filled up application with self-attested copies of educational qualification, experience and age proof to the below-given address within 15 days of the last date of online application by speed post / registered post.

    Recruitment Cell,
    OPD Complex First Floor,
    AIIMS Nagpur,
    MIHAN Nagpur,
    Maharashtra, 441108

  • Applicants can apply online for this vacant positions from 10/01/2020 to 10/02/2020

Selection Procedure

  • Eligible candidates are shortlisted on the basis of qualification and experience.

  • Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.

  • Selection will be made on the basis of Interview.

Important Links

For registration -

For reference -

About Employer

All India Institute of Medical Science Nagpur was established to promote world-class medical facilities using advanced medical techniques and treatment.

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