National Commission for Women looking for various officers in Delhi

Are you looking for jobs in Delhi? National Commission for Women is inviting applications to fill the posts of various officers in Delhi. Eligible candidates may apply to the post only after thoroughly reading the given recruitment notification. Apply on or before 19/02/2020

Employer: National Commission for Women

Address: National Commission for Women Plot No. 21, Jasola Institutional Area New Delhi —110025.

Email: Not mentioned in the notification


Phone: Not mentioned in the notification

Skills: Refer description box as multiple posts advertised

Experience: Refer description box as multiple posts advertised

Education: Refer description box as multiple posts advertised

Job Location: New Delhi   (View Jobs in New Delhi    Jobs in Delhi)

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National Commission for Women looking for various officers in Delhi

Name of the Post:-
1)Deputy Secretary
Salary:-Rs.15,600-39000 +7600/-(G.P)
Number of vacancies:- One
Educational Qualifications:- Officers under the Central Government or State
Governments holding analogous post on regular basis (OR) Officers having 5 years regular service in the post of Under Secretary or equivalent in scale of pay of Rs.15100-39100(PB-3) in the Grade pay of Rs.6600/- possessing the knowledge of Administrative matters.

2)Senior Research Officer, Level11
Salary:-Rs.15,600-39000 +6600/-(G.P)
Number of vacancies:- One
Educational Qualifications:-)Holding analogous posts on regular basis; OR
with five years' service in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.15,600-39,100+Grade Pay 5400/- (E-4 Grade under IDA pattern) (OR) with six years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800+ GP Rs.4800/- (E-3 Grade under IDA pattern).

3)Assistant Law Officer (Level-8)
Salary:-Rs.9300- 34800 + 4800 GP
Number of vacancies:- One
Educational Qualifications:- holding analogous posts on regular basis in the
parent Cadre or Department; (OR) (H) With two years' service in the scale of pay of Rs.9,300-34,800+4600 GP (E-2 Grade under IDA pattern)

4)Section Officer Level 8
Salary:-Rs.9300- 34800 + 4800 GP
Number of vacancies:- One
Educational Qualifications:- holding analogous posts on regular basis in the
parent Cadre or Department; (OR) (H) With two years' service in the scale of pay of Rs.9,300-34,800+4600 GP (E-2 Grade under IDA pattern)

How to apply:- Prescribed proforma of application form given in the below Reference URL link. Apply with all relevant documents on or before 19/02/2020.
Last date of application:- 19/02/2020
Reference URL:-

About Employer

National Commission for Women is the organisation to address to the issue related to women in India.

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