Punjab Agricultural University recruitment for the post of General Assistant

College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University has issued a memo no. COA-2020/EA-II/9691-9721 dated 20.05.2020 to fill the vacancies of General Assistant in Ludhiana. It is a good chance to get a job with PAU and brighten your future. Learn all details and apply the latest by 22.06.2020.

Employer: Punjab Agricultural University

Address: Dean, College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana

Email: not mentioned/provided for the job post

URL:Refer to job description for website link

Phone: not provided for this job post

Skills: Refer to job description for details

Experience: Refer to job description for details

Education: Refer to job description for details

Job Location: ludhiana   (View Jobs in ludhiana    Jobs in Punjab)

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Punjab Agricultural University recruitment for the post of General Assistant

College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University recruitment for the post of General Assistant in Ludhiana:

Title of the Project: "Self Financing Programme in College of Agriculture".

Project Code: SFS-I (PC-3036.1) (Part-A)

Salary: INR 11486/- per month consolidated

Age Limit: 18 - 37 years

Required Job Profile:

Candidate must possess a bachelor's degree from a recognized University and possess a minimum one hundred twenty hours course with experience in the use of personnel computer form Government institute OR possess a computer IT course equivalent to O level certificate of DEOACC of Government of India.

Application Fee: INR 150 by demand draft favoring "The Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana".

How to apply:

Eligible and interested candidates should need to apply to the above address along with all necessary enclosures at the latest by 22.06.2020.

College of Agriculture,
Punjab Agricultural University,

Refer to https://www.pau.edu/index.php?_act=manageAllVacancy&DO=viewDataVacancy&intVacancyID=3622&intSubID=147

About Employer

Punjab Agricultural University is a Government undertaking.

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