Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Program Operation, Procurement, Marketing Managers job vacancy

Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Limited is a Public Sector Undertaking of Government of Haryana and Government of India has advertised for various job vacancies, walk in interview is on 31.08.2020

Employer: Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Limited

Address: Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Limited, Bays No. 15-20, Sector -4, Panchkula, Haryana 134112

Email: haicwpbr@gmail.com, haicpkl@gmail.com


Phone: 0172 2560920 [Extn:231], 25611317, 1324

Skills: Refer description box

Experience: Refer description box

Education: Refer description box

Job Location: Panchkula   (View Jobs in Panchkula    Jobs in Haryana)

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Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Program Operation, Procurement, Marketing Managers job vacancy

Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Limited is a Public Sector Undertaking of Government of Haryana and Government of India has advertised for various job vacancies.

Eligible candidates who wish to apply required to go through the details furnished below.

Candidate profile

  • Manager, Program Operations:
    Post Graduates or Graduates in Business Administration or Marketing or Post Graduation in Logistics, Finance, Marketing with 6-10 years of experience
    • Manager, Procurement:
      MBA in Business Administration or Marketing or Post Graduation in Logistics, Finance with 6-10 years of experience
    • Manager, Marketing:
      MBA with specialisation in Marketing with knowledge of financial planning and strategy with 6-10 years of experience
    For all the above vacancies eligible candidates required to appear for the walk in interview.

    The walk in interview is arranged on 31.08.2020 from 10.30 am to 04.00 pm at the venume mentioned below.

    Are you a qualified and experienced teacher looking for teaching job vacancies in India and Abroad, check here to get teaching job vacancy database across India and abroad

    Venue for the interview:
    The Committee Room,
    Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Limited,
    Bays No. 15-20, Sector -4,
    Panchkula, Haryana 134112

    Detailed recruitment notification can be had at:

    About Employer

    Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Limited is a Public Sector Undertaking of Government of Haryana and Government of India

    Find more jobs: Government Jobs in India

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